Britt Technology Impact Series

Life in the DigiScene: Hyperconnectivity’s effect on Humans, Culture and Industry

May 5, 2015 • Tuck School of Business

Life in the DigiScene: Hyperconnectivity’s effect on Humans, Culture and Industry Photo

In today’s hyperconnected world we have access to information, data, and services all with the tap of a screen wherever we are, any time of the day. We connect to friends, family, schools, civic institutions and even strangers instantly. We build new communities with new rules not based on location, but based on common interests with others spread across the globe. Our understanding of boundaries (physical and mental) has changed as we’ve moved to a digital world. These changes raise some very real challenges that society needs to address and our institutions under increasing pressure to adapt.

However, for the first time in human history, we enter into a new world with an awareness that we can determine how this new world will operate. What decisions we make about how to govern our hyperconnected world will reflect our collective values. What will those values be and how will we enforce them? What stresses does being hyperconnected place on our existing institutions? Which societal norms no longer apply in this new world? Are these changes a good thing or a bad thing? How does hyperconnectivity enable corruption and exploitation? What impact has hyperconnectivity had on inequality? This talk with Tony Salvador of Intel explored these topics and more.

Dr. Tony Salvador
Director of Experience Insights Research, Interaction & Experience Research Lab
Intel Corporation

Dr. Tony Salvador, Senior Principal Engineer, currently directs research in the Experience Insights Lab within Intel Corporation. His team’s role is to identify new, strategic opportunities for technology based on an understanding of fluctuating, global socio-cultural values. Tony leads a team of social scientists and business analysts to look for, find and develop viable opportunities to create local, sustainable value with new high tech products, services and infrastructures. His ongoing research interests concern disruptive innovation practice, development and new market creation with an ethnographic perspective.

Previously, he directed research for the Emerging Markets Platforms Group and was instrumental in the research and design of the Intel powered classmate PC. Prior to that he was a research scientist and co-founder of Intel’s People & Practices Group.

Tony received his bachelor’s degree in Experimental Psychology from Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He earned a Ph.D. in Human Factors and Experimental Psychology at Tufts University in Boston. He has over 50 published papers and patents in academic journals as well as more popular venues.

This event was cosponsored by:

Center for Business and Society

Presentation Highlights

Explore more highlights from Tony’s presentation.

Presentation Highlights

Explore these presentation highlights.


Hear Laura-Irina Ionita T’15 and Tony discuss the new hyperconnected world.

  • Dr. Tony Salvador, Director of Experience Insights Research, Interaction & Experience Research Lab, Intel Corporation explains how EVERYTHING has gone or is going digital.

  • Tony challenged broad implications of what he calls, the Digocene, for many in the audience.

  • Laughter and enlightenment filled the room simultaneously!

  • Just what hasn't connectivity affected?

  • 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon - it looks more like a web than a line!

  • Andy Grove (former COO, Chairman and CEO of Intel, who many consider to be the man who drove the growth phase of Silicon Valley) is shown with the notion that maybe there is something even better than the free market system.

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