Britt Technology Impact Series

Connecting the World’s Applications, Data, and Devices

Topics: Big Data / Analytics

September 25, 2017

Steve Hallowell D’01 E’02 T’10
VP, Sales Enablement & Operations

As businesses become more complex, so do their software applications, systems, and hardware. Connecting disparate IT systems is incredibly difficult. MuleSoft’s platform makes connecting systems, applications, and devices easy so you can use your data to make better decisions.

About Steve Hallowell:

Steve Hallowell D’01 E’02 T’10 has been a part of three start-up companies that have gone public or achieved valuations greater than $1bn. His current company, MuleSoft, is tackling the problem of connectivity – one of the biggest challenges in IT. MuleSoft helps companies transform their business, enabling them to deliver mobile customer experiences, turn data into digital assets, and dramatically accelerate their pace of innovation and change. Previously he was at Responsys, a leader in marketing technology, which went public in 2011 before being acquired by Oracle in 2013 for $1.5 Bn. Between completing his undergraduate degree and coming to Tuck Steve was a member of a venture capital firm that invested in early-stage companies in Boston. He spent his Tuck internship at Constant Contact, which went public in 2007.

September 25 | 12:00-1:00pm | Barclay Classroom

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