Tech@Tuck Archives

Digital Drop-In: SparkCognition

November 12, 2015

sumantSumant Kawale T’12 is Senior Director of Business Development at SparkCognition. His responsibilities include Channel Development and Key Account Management.
Sumant was a Project Leader at the Boston Consulting Group (focusing on Energy and Technology) prior to joining SparkCognition. He has worked in Research & Development and Customer Engineering roles in Telecommunications and Semiconductors. Sumant holds an MS EE from Drexel University and BS EE from University of Mumbai.

About Digital Drop-Ins (DDIs)
The Digital Strategies’ DDI videoconference series allows our MBA Fellows the chance to have intimate conversations with key technology leaders. Hour-long private sessions focus on a particular topic or range of topics of interest to the fellows, and enable the small group to participate in an engaging discussion about a key element of technology and how it impacts or drives corporate strategy from the perspective of the guest speaker. Fellows come away from each Digital Drop-In with a clearer sense of each guest’s perspective on an issue or topic impacting his or her enterprise in a significant way.

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