Topic: P2P / Sharing Economy

Meghna Kedia T’18, City Launcher, Lime

Meghna Kedia T’18 City Launcher Lime Meghna Kedia T’18 is City Launcher at Lime, where she helps enable smart mobility for the modern wor...

Powering the Clean Energy Revolution Using Blockchain Technology

CleanEnergyBlockchainNetwork Co-founder and VP, Frank Curran, discusses how the organization serves electricity users, utilities and ISOs by creating ...

Self-driving Cars and the Future of the Automotive Sector

Tuck alumnus, Stern NYU Professor, and Automotive Industry Director for Google, Kyle Keogh discusses the future of the auto sector and the impact emer...

Understanding and Monitoring the Darknet in a Data-Centric World

Alison Connolly T’11 Director of Strategic Partnerships DarkOwl How do you know if you or your company have been hacked? Your information is for sal...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: 05.19.2017

Patrick Wheeler, Assistant Director

WannaCry Ransomware Attack Still Going Strong – The worldwide scourge of the WannaCry ransomware attack is not done yet. As workers returned to the...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: 05.11.2017

Patrick Wheeler, Assistant Director

SoFi Moves to Expand Its Services Via the ILC – The peer-to-peer refinancer of student loans announced its intention to seek an industrial loan comp...

Digital Revolution Overview
The Digital (R)Evolution: Transforming Business Models

The 2015-16 Britt Technology Impact Series (BTIS) explored the challenges and opportunities driven by digital technologies in a series focused on the ...

What the Uber Profile by the NY Times Says About Penalties in a Digital Economy

Patrick Wheeler, Assistant Director

The New York Times has an in-depth profile of Uber CEO, Travis Kalanick out that poses the question of when Uber will face repercussions for its well-...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: 02.09.2017

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

FCC Moves to Limit Internet Access to Poor Families, Schools, and Libraries  – A program created in the Reagan Administration to subsidize phone se...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: 02.03.2017

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Facebook Aims to Become Video Powerhouse and Compete Head-to-Head with YouTube – Coming off a monster quarter buoyed by the Presidential election an...

Tech Bytes to Know this Week: 10.25.2016

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

DDoS Attack on Unsecured IoT Devices Takes Down Large Swaths of the Internet – DDoS attacks using massive botnets are becoming the new normal. This ...

Tech Bytes to Know this Week: 10.4.2016

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Exploding washing machines, a new Marketplace by Facebook, and a CXOtalk on Gender Diversity.

HPE and Ford Motors Give Students Lessons in Digital Transformation and Innovation

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Day three of the Technology Career Insight Expedition (CIX) included trips to HP Enterprise (HPE) and the Ford Research and Innovation Center for a lo...

Tech Bytes to Know this Week: 6.3.2016

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Tech news of the week, from internet trends to artificial intelligence.

How the Blockchain, Internet of Things, and Peer Lending are Transforming Financial Services

The 2015-16 Britt Technology Impact Series explored digital transformation and the evolution and emergence of digital business models. This event foc...

Tech Bytes to Know this Week: 5.25.2016

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

From automaker partnerships to Amazon’s updated refund policy, here are your tech news stories of the week.

Tech Bytes to Know This Week: 3.17.2016

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Check out some of the latest Technology news and trends we’ve come across this week.

Tech Bytes to Know This Week: 3.8.2016

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Get up to date with some of the latest Technology news and trends the Center for Digital Strategies at Tuck has seen this week.

12 Tech Trends Shaping Enterprise Information Technology

Hans Brechbuhl, Executive Director

A whole new set of emerging trends are impacting corporate information technology. Here are the major trends impacting corporate IT today.

6 Amazing Technologies – and when you can expect them!

Hans Brechbuhl, Executive Director

A new Forum report, Deep Shift: Technology Tipping Points and Societal Impact, predicts 21 dates in the future when previously unimaginable innovation...

Deep Shift: 21 Ways Software Will Transform Global Society

Hans Brechbühl co-authored this World Economic Forum report on the impact of software on society with fellow Global Agenda Council members.

Just What IS the Sharing Economy?

Britt Technology Impact Series panel discussion with executives from Zipcar and Lending Club. Spencer Bryan T’13, Product Manager, Lending Club Spen...

Regulations and the Future of the Sharing Economy

Watch this panel discussion with executives from Zipcar and Lending Club. Spencer Bryan T’13, Product Manager, Lending Club Spencer Bryan is a Produ...

Exploring the Sharing Economy with Zipcar’s Justin Holmes

Britt Technology Impact Series panel discussion with executives from Zipcar and Lending Club. Spencer Bryan T’13, Product Manager, Lending Club Spen...


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