Organizing Data Governance: Findings from the Telecommunications Industry

Topics: Customer Governance

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Boris Otto

Communications of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 29 No 1 Article 3

Many companies see Data Governance as a promising approach to ensuring data quality and maintaining its value as a company asset. While the practitioners’ community has been vigorously discussing the topic for quite sometime, Data Governance as a field of scientific study is still in its infancy. This article reports on the findings of a casestudy on the organization of Data Governance in two large telecommunications companies, namely BT and Deutsche Telekom. The article proposes that large, service-providing companies in general have a number of options when designing Data Governance and that the individual organizational design is context-contingent. Despite their many similarities, BT and Deutsche Telekom differ with regard to their Data Governance organization. BT has followed a more project-driven, bottom-up philosophy; Deutsche Telekom, on the other hand, favors a rather constitutive, top-down approach. The article also proposes a research agenda for further studies in the field of Data Governance organization.
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