CDS Fellows Spotlight: Tim Wong T’24

June 10th, 2024


Taipei, Taiwan

What did you do prior to Tuck?

I started off in investment banking at Deutsche Bank in New York, before moving into tech operations and strategy at Uber, and then most recently at Cisco.

What are your plans post-Tuck?

I will be joining BCG in San Diego as a consultant!

What made you want to be part of the CDS fellows program?

Tech has become such an inextricable part of all industries; I wanted to be a fellow so I could stay abreast of all the advancements in tech, especially AI. The best part of being a Fellow is access – having dinner with the AI Conference speakers the night before the event is my favorite example.

What other activities were you involved in at Tuck?

My other activities revolve around the future Tuck community: as a TAA interviewing the next class of Tuckies and as a Consulting Club mentor guiding T’25s through the recruiting process. I was also informal squash coach to a number of Tuckies who learned the sport for the first time.


What has been the biggest growth moment at Tuck, where you stepped out of your comfort zone? What did you learn from that experience?

Undoubtedly Outward Bound, where I was both doing something completely new (sailing) with a completely new group of people. I learned that often times the most rewarding or memorable experiences aren’t necessarily the most enjoyable in the moment and to not rule out these experiences.

What CDS learning opportunities or experiences have you learned the most from your time at Tuck?

I learned the most from having dinner with AI conference attendees the day before the event. There were experts from all aspects of the AI world, from artists to founders of cutting edge AI companies – this tipped me off to how far-reaching the effects of AI will have on the world.

What class at Tuck pushed your thinking the most?

I learned that communications and soft skills are arguably more important than hard skills and no class at Tuck pushed me more in that respect than Communicating with Presence. I especially loved seeing classmates open up through their stories: some were truly unexpected and inspirational.

What books are you reading, podcasts are you listening to, or shows are you watching?

Too many now that classes are over, but I’ll highlight two: Shogun, a TV show set in Japan’s Edo period with a fanatical attention to detail, and Blamo!, a podcast of the who’s-who in fashion.

What advice do you have for Tuck students interested in tech- and digitally-focused career pathways?

It’s now not enough to merely be interested in tech broadly. Have a view on specific areas of interest, develop a reasonable level of knowledge on certain subjects and have a stance on important developments on those subjects.

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