Pillars of Trust: Methods for Managers to Avoid Losing Trust in the Digital Age

Topics: Big Data / Analytics Culture Customer Marketing / Sales Privacy Risk Management Security

Pillars of Trust

In today’s business environment, breaches of trust are questions of when, not if. Every business model and each business decision contain some risk of precipitating a trust event. While there are situations in which destroying trust is unforeseeable, most trust-degrading events are predictable, proactively controllable, and ultimately preventable.

To help managers avoid losing trust in the digital age, MBA Fellows, Alison Dieringer T’19 and Kristin Unruh T’19, developed a framework to guide decision making and internal processes.

This publication details a framework of trust for general managers and highlights case studies where each of the pillars in this framework have been managed well or poorly. By leveraging the five pillars in the course of everyday work, managers will be more likely to avoid preventable breaches of customer trust.

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“If you take a broad enough definition of trust, then it would explain basically all the difference between the per capita income of the United States and Somalia”

~ Steve Knack, World Bank

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