CDS Fellows Spotlight: Claire Gaffney T’24

June 10th, 2024


Alexandria, Virginia

What did you do prior to Tuck?

I was a consultant at Deloitte in the digital health care practice, mostly focused on clinical effectiveness at hospital clients. My last few months before business school were spent on an internal rotation with the Future of Health team, which defined Deloitte’s narrative for health care in 2030+.

What are your plans post-Tuck?

I’m returning to Deloitte, and am hoping to continue working with health care clients at the intersection of health care/technology!

What made you want to be part of the CDS fellows program?

I wanted to be part of a really curious community and develop a network with people that have shared interests but very different backgrounds. I think CDS in particular created a space for a diverse community to ask big questions of things (like AI!) that are affecting our personal and professional lives.

What other activities were you involved in at Tuck?

I was co-chair of Film Society and Dartmouth (Tuck’s arts-focused club!). I also was involved with Women in Business, Pride, Outdoor Club, Book Club, and some others – I feel lucky that Tuck’s extracurricular activities are easy to sample!


What has been the biggest growth moment at Tuck, where you stepped out of your comfort zone? What did you learn from that experience?

There have been many! But one of the biggest for me is learning how to ski. It was a true test in patience and embracing challenge. For me, there was a tension between wanting to be good at skiing and being fearful of falling (physically + metaphorically). I think it was a good reminder in the value of continuous learning because the payoff was so wonderful for me — I love being outside in the winter and the views while skiing in this area are breathtaking!

What CDS learning opportunities or experiences have you learned the most from your time at Tuck?

My CDS project provided such a rich learning experience and allowed me to integrate different parts (and perspectives!) of the Dartmouth campus into my thinking, including the Engineering school, Philosophy department, and Center for Technology and Behavioral Health.

What class at Tuck pushed your thinking the most?

I took a Research to Practice (RTP) in Equity Analytics in Organizations second year. It was a seminar that used academic research to understand how to use data to identify and measure inequity in organizations, including whether certain managerial practices create disparities in opportunity and/or outcomes for their workers. I learned a lot from this course about interpreting data, how to understand and apply cutting-edge research, and how to use data / research to design actual, practical interventions.

What books are you reading, podcasts are you listening to, or shows are you watching?

I’m a big fan of novels that play with the boundaries of fiction / non-fiction. I’m currently reading Butter by Asako Yuzuki, a novel inspired by the case of a real Japanese con woman. For podcasts, I love Longform, which interviews different writers / journalists about their writing. I’m also a regular listener of Poog, a comedy podcast with Kate Berlant and Jacqueline Novak. For tech / media news, I often look first to Read Max (a self-proclaimed “newsletter about the future”) and Today in Tabs, supplemented by long-form essays in the Atlantic and New Yorker. I often prefer longform articles for thinking about big issues in tech / digital strategies, especially in publications that don’t necessarily cater to a tech audience. I find that these are often more thoughtful or provide perspectives that I wasn’t hearing about in, for example, the NYTimes tech column.

What advice do you have for Tuck students interested in tech- and digitally-focused career pathways?

Talk to as many people as possible about their day-to-day jobs — what they like, what they don’t like, the path they took to end up where they are, etc. I really think almost any career pathway is tech- and digitally-focused, so I also think it’s important to stay open to opportunities beyond Big Tech and roles beyond product management. At Tuck, this can also mean expanding your thinking to other parts of Dartmouth’s campus — there’s very cool research and thinking around tech topics in all sorts of areas!

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