Socially Corporate Opportunity

May 9th, 2011

Today’s panel confirmed for me that Social Media is not a passing fad. If high-level executives at Pfizer, Time Warner Cable, PepsiCo and AECOM stand behind this new communication and collaboration model – there’s no reason I wouldn’t. Of course, I already had put most of my eggs in the social basket and stand behind this democratization of information. I too spend a fair amount of time building communities, communicating with friends / follows and absorbing the brainwaves of influencers. I recall reading recently that it’s actually the PR professionals who are making the transition into social most successfully; that makes crystal-clear sense to me now. PR pros and communications execs know how to listen, they understand tracking and they are stellar at creating relationships. That is the essential foundation of successful social efforts – gratefully overlaid with transparency and immediacy, as we’ve learned.
Alex Dudley, the VP of Communications at Time Warner Cable, (the cable company who supports our BTIS series) said it best today, “There is no risk-free way to embrace social media” and I couldn’t agree with him more. But for every broken guitar, Greenpeace attack or spring-clothing launch during an Egyptian uprising, there is the real opportunity to instill a shared corporate vision, grow a brand community of mavens and connect on a more personal level with customers, employees and detractors than was ever possible before. That’s power – and I dig it.
Corp Comm at Tuck
Alex Dudley, VP of Public Relations, Time Warner Cable. View more about this panel >

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