Britt Technology Impact Series

Cyber Warfare: Securing the Future of Industry

April 27, 2015 • Tuck School of Business

Cyber Warfare: Securing the Future of Industry Photo

While consumer-facing technology receives the lion’s share of publicity associated with hyperconnectivity and the Internet of Things (IoT), industrial companies have seen the biggest growth from IoT technology. Along with that growth comes new challenges and security concerns, as critical components and infrastructure are connected to the internet. What cybersecurity threats are industrial companies facing as they go online? What actions can be taken to block cyber attacks?

Schneider Electric Senior Director of Cybersecurity and Network Infrastructure, David Doggett, discussed the security challenges created by hyperconnected industry and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

David Doggett
Senior Director of Cybersecurity and Network Infrastructure
Schneider Electric

David currently manages cybersecurity for the industry business of Schneider Electric. He also manages network infrastructure strategy as it relates to adoption of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). He is active in cybersecurity standards for Schneider Electric regarding multiple industry organizations and governments. David has worked for Schneider Electric for over 20 years in various positions, such as technical support, application engineering, IT, marketing, R&D, system engineering and cybersecurity.

  • David discussed the challenges of securing the Industrial Internet of Things.

  • The presentation made it clear that IoT has been happening in Industry for years, but the future possibilities help add up to what is being called Industry 4.0.

  • The full room asked David many questions.

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