Britt Technology Impact Series

War Stories: Big Banks, Big Data & the Internet of Things

April 29, 2014 • Tuck School of Business

War Stories: Big Banks, Big Data & the Internet of Things Photo

The Internet of Things creates massive amounts of data about our activities, our habits, and our lives in ways previously thought unimaginable. But which data to use and how is an important question many firms are struggling to answer. Stuart Cornew T’84 is the co-founder of AnswerMine Group LLC and helps companies answer tough data questions. The company’s philosophy is to “let the data speak” and uses an approach to data mining that has refined the theory and method of data analysis into an accurate, fast and flexible practice. Stuart will visit Tuck to share his experience with large financial firms’ usage of big data and talk about his thoughts on the Internet of Things.

Stuart Cornew T’84
Co-founder, AnswerMine Group LLC

AnswerMine LLC is a data-mining and consulting technology company specializing in building forecasting and segmentation models for successful application across a myriad of industry segments. AnswerMine LLC’s proprietary technology supports the AnswerMine Group’s quantitative consulting business. A successful businessman and banker, Stuart’s professional career includes responsibilities as a principal and Managing Director of Alcomex S.A. de C.V., Mexico City, a leveraged buyout of Mexico’s second largest aluminum extrusion and anodizing plant and as Managing Director of Robert Wooley de Mexico, a developer of two resort hotel properties in Mexico. He was a Vice President in Citibank’s Caribbean, Central and South American Banking Group. He currently is a director of Ohmx, a surface chemistry proteomics company and Chairman of the Advisory Board of Northwestern University’s Center for Molecular Therapeutics and Diagnostics. He holds a BA in Economics and Political Science and BS in Engineering from Swarthmore College, and an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.

AnswerMine Group
AnswerMine Group builds forecasting and segmentation models for successful application across many industry segments. Using propriety analytic software, AnswerMine has refined the theory and method of data analysis into an accurate, fast and flexible practice. AnswerMine Group employs a philosophy to “let the data speak.” Its technology analyzes large datasets for profiles that link outcomes of interest with combinations of characteristics that can be used in predictive and segmentation models. In addition to methodological expertise, AnswerMine’s professionals have extensive experience in and knowledge of the industries the company serves. Its staff pioneered the use of Information Gain Theory and decision trees in many areas of business.

Stuart Cornew T’84

Experience highlights from Stuart’s discussion with Tuck students and faculty.

Interview with Stuart Cornew T’84

Samer Sayigh T’14 speaks with Stuart Cornew T’84 about transparent models, information gain theory and capturing the energy inside of the data for consumer marketing and finance.

  • "We don't need an army, we need talent," Stu says when it comes to mining data.

  • Four Professors and multiple students enjoyed the talk. In attendance was our own Professor Taylor along with Professor Neslin (who asked multiple data questions) Professor D'Aveni and Professor Shreve.

  • Stuart's nephew (center), who is an undergrad at Dartmouth, listens in beside Andy Steele, Tuck students and Professor D'Aveni.

  • The room was appreciative of Stu's war stories.

  • Alva and Stu smile for the camera.

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