Annual Report 2002-03

Letter from the Directors

Programs and Events
Thought Leadership Summit on Digital Strategies
Tech@Tuck and Other Events at Tuck

Research and Publications
Academic Publications
Management Articles
Research Fellows Program
Research Projects
Research Grant Proposals

MBA Program Enrichment
MBA Fellows Program
Visiting Executives

External Outreach
Presentations and Event Participation
Participants in Center Events
Executive Fellows
Radio Tuck

Public Relations
Media Hits
Dartmouth/Tuck and Alumni Publicity
Press Releases and Other Publicity
Thought Leadership Summit on Digital Strategies Website
Website Development


Letter from the Directors


Dear Stakeholder,

We are pleased to report that the Center for Digital Strategies continued to build momentum, both externally and internally, in 2003-04 (FY2004). We plan to continue our momentum next year by expanding our external engagement, funding and exposure. This letter highlights our accomplishments over the past year.

The Thought Leadership Summit on Digital Strategies, which the center co-founded in early 2002 with Cisco Systems, enjoyed rich participation in all three roundtables. Fortune 500 executives from 3M, Cargill, Cisco, Citigroup, Colgate-Palmolive, Eaton, Fidelity, GM, Hasbro, IBM, Lowe’s, Owens Corning, Staples, Sysco and Whirlpool participated in this thoughtful and pragmatic series for CIOs and their executive business partners. And we held our first summit at Tuck in May of this year, allowing the Tuck community a glimpse into this dynamic forum!

Internally, we feel we have been very successful this year, thanks in part to our excellent MBA Fellows. With the help of the Fellows, we held several unique, high-impact events. First, through an unusual partnership with the Hopkins Center for the Arts, we hosted a fascinating debate on global offshoring, attracting guests from across the Dartmouth campus and attracting media comment from Fortune to the Indian newspaper The Statesman. Second, our Tech@Tuck MBA event brought leading technology executives from the music industry together to debate the industry’s changing business model, engaging interested Dartmouth decision-makers in the day as well. As with all Tech@Tuck events, we also put a wide range of state-of-the-art technology into the hands of our students. Finally, as usual, we hosted a technology-focused alumni panel and brought leading technology executives to Tuck (e.g., John Morgridge, Chairman of Cisco Systems and FCC Chairman Michael Powell).

Our successful year yielded a number of publications and media mentions in high impact venues. We invite to you to read our Annual Report below to get the details on events, people and publications, and learn more about the center’s exciting accomplishments.


M. Eric Johnson                Hans Brechbühl
Director                              Executive Director


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Programs and Events

Thought Leadership Summit on Digital Strategies
The Thought Leadership Summit on Digital Strategies (TLSDS) is an executive roundtable series co-founded by the center and Cisco Systems. Each roundtable consists of 15-20 CIOs and functional VPs from Fortune 500 companies and 2-3 senior academics engaged in a day-long moderated roundtable discussion. The series focuses on the possibilities of networked processes for all aspects of the management of enterprises, approaching digital strategies as a tool to implement and extend sound business practices, not as a replacement for them. Event summaries and/or content overviews (and much more) are available for each event at the links below. The center held the following three roundtables this year:

Enabling a Customer-Focused Organization
September 9, 2003, South Bend, IN

Elusive Integration: Making the Link between Sales and Operations Planning
February 17, 2004, Dallas, TX

Information Security and Privacy: At Odds with Speed and Collaboration?
May 25, 2004, Hanover, NH


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Tech@Tuck and Other Events at Tuck
Tech@Tuck is a center-sponsored series of annual events for the Tuck and greater Dartmouth community that highlight digital technologies and their personal or business implications. Each event in the series features a panel comprised of executives debating topics of interest to students and faculty, as well as hands-on demonstrations of the latest associated gadgets and devices. In addition to Tech@Tuck, the center sponsored a number of other public events in the form of both high-profile speakers and panels at Tuck this year. Event summaries and/or content overviews (and much more) are available for each event at the links below. The center held the following events at Tuck this year:

John Morgridge, Chairman, Cisco Systems, Inc. January 13, 2004, Hanover, NH

Tunes@Tuck: Fresh Tracks for the Music Industry (Tech@Tuck) February 4, 2004, Hanover, NH

Inside Outsourcing: An Evening on Offshore Outsourcing April 6, 2004, Hanover, NH

Michael Powell, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission April 13, 2004, Hanover, NH


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Research and Publications

Academic Publications
The center and its people have made a material contribution to the publication of the following academic papers or publications this year. The center also started its own series of working papers:

Gloor, Peter A., Rob Laubacher, Scott B. C. Dynes and Yan Zhao. “Visualization of Communication Patterns in Collaborative Innovation Networks.” CDS Working Paper Series 03-1. Spring 2003

Hall, Joseph M., Praveen K. Kopalle and David F. Pyke. “Static and Dynamic Pricing of Excess Capacity in a Make-To-Order Environment.” CDS Working Paper Series 03-2. Fall 2003.

Jett, Quintus and Liisa Valikangas. “The Gamble of Open Organizing.” CDS Working Paper Series 04-1. Winter 2004.

Fleischmann, Moritz, Joseph M. Hall and David F. Pyke. “Smart Pricing.” Sloan Management Review. Winter 2004.


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Management Articles
The center and its faculty or fellows wrote or had the following articles published for the executive audience in the past year:

Johnson, M. Eric. “Digitally Enabled Services Strategies.” Achieving Supply Chain
Excellence Through Technology. Volume 5, 2003.

Borg, Scott. “Enabling a Customer-Focused Organization.” Thought Leadership Summit Publication. October 2003.

Johnson, M. Eric. “Digitally Enabled Services Strategies.” Information Management & Consulting, Vol. 18, 2003.

Brechbhl, Hans. “Best Practices for Service Organisations.”
London Business School’s Business Strategy Review. Spring 2004.

“Elusive Integration: Making the Link between Sales and Operations Planning.” Thought Leadership Summit Publication. April 2004.

Johnson, M. Eric. “On Offshore Outsourcing.” Tuck School of Business Website


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The center has written the following cases for use in the courses listed:

PERI“, by Hans Brechbhl (with Yiorgos Bakamitsos), December 2003, taught in Marketing in the Networked Economy class on January 7, 2004.

Woolworths ‘Chips’ Away at Inventory Shrinkage through RFID Initiative,” by Michael Gozycki, M. Eric Johnson and Hau Lee, April 2004. To be taught in Supply Chain and Information Technology class next fall.


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Research Fellows Program
The center welcomes the opportunity to work with researchers from an industry, consulting or appropriate government setting on areas of mutual interest. This year the center appointed one new Research Fellow, Charlie White. The center’s Research Fellows this year were:

Scott Borg (writer)
Scott Dynes
Peter Gloor
Laura Rock Kopczak
Charles H. White, Jr.

The center also engages talented students from other disciplines who contribute to the center’s research projects and expertise. This year the center had two Graduate Research Assistants:

Gopi Sundaram
Yan Zhao


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Research Projects
The center provides cooperates with and sometimes provides funding to affiliated researchers for research on topics of direct interest to the center. This year the center continued its participation in two projects it helped seed last year, and began work on a third area:

Electronic Collaboration Study with the University of St. Gallen
Collaborative Knowledge Networks Project with MIT Sloan
Cybersecurity Research with the Institute for Security Technology Studies


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Research Grant Proposals
Over the course of the last year, the center has submitted three research grant proposals to the National Science Foundation entitled:

Center for Trusted Pervasive Networks
Making Cyberteams More Innovative – Analyzing the Performance of Knowledge Networks
Virtual Innovation Networks: Analyzing the Social Structure of Collaborative Innovation Communities


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MBA Program Enrichment

MBA Fellows Program
The center offers this program for second-year students interested in digital technology and its broad impact on business today. Fellows have unique networking opportunities with the center’s visitors including executives visiting a number of technology related classes; gain a greater understanding of the issues of digital strategies by working with center faculty and events; and are able to do independent research or write a case in an area of interest to the student. This year’s Fellows were an amazing group who participated both organizational and intellectually in the following ways:

Mike Gozycki T’04, Woolworths’ case writer, Sales & Operations Planning summit observer/summary
writer, Radio Tuck interviewer, visitor host
Julio Hartstein T’04, Tech@Tuck organizer, Inside Outsourcing panel summary writer, visitor host
Julia Kidd T’04, Biogen case writer, independent study on pricing, Inside Outsourcing event organizer,
Radio Tuck interviewer, visitor host
Emily O’Brien T’04, Tech@Tuck organizer, Supply Chain Management auction class organizer, visitor host
Jack Shuttleworth T’04, visitor host
David Sobie T’04, Tech@Tuck organizer, Supply Chain Management auction class organizer, visitor host Brian Wallace T’04, Tech@Tuck organizer


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Visiting Executives
As part of its efforts to enrich the MBA program, the center invites and hosts executives in conjunction with the professors teaching center-affiliated courses, or for other events at Tuck. This year we hosted over 25 visitors for a variety of classes and events:

Bill Pond T’98. Manager of Site Operations, L.L. Bean
October 2, 2003, Supply Chain Management and Information Technology Class
October 4, 2003, Alumni Panel on Security and Privacy

Blair LaCorte T’90, EVP, Marketing & Business Development, Savi Technology
October 3, 2003, Supply Chain Management and Information Technology Class
October 4, 2003, Alumni Panel on Security and Privacy

Kristiana Helmick T’98, Consumer Marketing Director, Real Simple Magazine
October 4, 2003, Alumni Panel on Security and Privacy

Charles White Jr. T’68, Visiting Professor, Logistics and Intermodal Transportation, Merchant Marine Academy
October 4, 2003, Alumni Panel on Security and Privacy

William Brown T’78, Project Manager, Exercise & Scenario Development, Institute for Security Technology Studies
October 4, 2003, Alumni Panel on Security and Privacy

Kevin Holian T’85, SVP Supply Chain Management, Staples
October 16, 2003, Supply Chain Management and Information Technology Class

Don Ralph, SVP Logistics, Staples
October 16, 2003, Supply Chain Management and Information Technology Class

Kent Parker T’90, SVP Global Sourcing Services, FreeMarkets
November 6, 2003, Supply Chain Management and Information Technology Class

Blake Johnson, Chief Technology Officer & Founder, Vivecon
November 13, 2003, Supply Chain Management and Information Technology Class

Roger McNamee T’82, Partner, Integral Capital Partners
November 20, 2003 (via videoconference), Supply Chain Management and
Information Technology Class

John Morgridge, Chairman, Cisco Systems
January 13, 2004, CEO Speaker Series (partnered w/ CGL)

James Thomson, Ph.D., SVP Corporate Branding, Advertising, & Top 25 Strategy and Research, Bank of America
January 27, 2004, Marketing in the Network Economy class

Jimmy Guterman, Editor-in-Chief, Gaming Industry News, Ziff Davis Media
February 4, 2004, Tech@Tuck moderator

Victoria Bassetti, Vice President, Legal and Public Policy, EMI
February 4, 2004, Tech@Tuck panelist

Peter Fader, Professor, Wharton School of Business, Univ. of Penn.
February 4, 2004 (via videoconference), Tech@ Tuck panelist

Wayne Rosso, Chief Executive Officer, Optisoft, S.L.
February 4, 2004, Tech@Tuck panelist

Tim Schaaff D’83, Vice President of Engineering, Interactive Media Group, Apple Computer
February 4, 2004, Tech@Tuck panelist

Dave Dougherty, Executive Vice President, Global Information Management, Convergys Corporation
February 9, 2004, Management of Service Operations Class

Christopher M. Chambers, Major (R), United States Army
February 23, 2004, Marketing in the Network Economy Class

Donna Samulowitz, VP, Customer Loyalty, Whirlpool Corporation
February 24, 2004, Marketing in the Network Economy Class

Michael McLean, Former Executive Editor, Testing and Assessment, McGraw-Hill Higher Education
March 1, 2004, Marketing in the Network Economy Class

Jack Freker, President, Customer Management Group, Convergys
April 6, 2004, Inside Outsourcing panelist

Paul Gaffney, Executive Vice President, Supply Chain, Staples
April 6, 2004, Inside Outsourcing panelist

Keith Khan, Artist/Spectacularist, motiroti
April 6, 2004, Inside Outsourcing panelist

Sonal Shah, Associate Director for Economic and Foreign Policy, Center for American Progress
April 6, 2004, Inside Outsourcing panelist

Michael Powell, Chairman, FCC
April 13, 2004, Fireside Chat


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External Outreach


Presentations and Event Participation
The center has presented at or attended the following events this year:

Supply Chain Thought Leaders Roundtable: “Supply Chain Risk Management & Security” M. Eric Johnson, presenter
July 28-29, 2003, Santa Fe, NM

Logistics Execution Systems Association: “The Value of Automated Data Capture” M. Eric Johnson, presenter
October 11-12, 2003, Bonita Springs, FL

Alumni Panel: “Security and Privacy: Business Dilemma or Opportunity?” M. Eric Johnson, moderator
October 4, 2003, Hanover, NH

ACM CKIM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management: “Visualization of Communication Patterns in Collaborative Innovation Networks: Analysis of Some W3C Working Groups.” Peter Gloor, presenter
Nov 3-8, 2003, New Orleans, LA

New York Times Roundtable on Job Migration, M. Eric Johnson, panelist
November 4, 2003, New York, NY

Future Forward: The New England Technology Summit, Hans Brechbhl, panel moderator
November 6-7, 2003, Portsmouth, NH

Visit of FCC Chairman to Dartmouth Collegem M. Eric Johnson, presenter and Hans Brechbhl, briefer
April 13-14, 2004, Hanover, NH

POMS Annual Conference: “Supply Chain Visibility and RFID – the Quad and Savi Case”, M. Eric Johnson, presenter
May 1-2, 2004, Cancun, Mexico

I3P Consortium Meeting: Economics of Policies for Information Securitym M. Eric Johnson, presenter (for proposal with Ashish Arora, Karthik Kannan, Rahul Telang)
June 18, 2004, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA

International Conference on Chipless Identification Technologies: Case Studies in RFID, M. Eric Johnson, presenter
June 21-23, 2004, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY


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Participants in Center Events
The center has engaged over 50 executives and senior academics in a substantive way at its roundtables this year (# of events engaged in):

Denise Anthony, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Dartmouth College

Paris Arey, VP, Sales Operations, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Robert Austin, Assistant Professor, Harvard Business School

David Barclay, VP, Information Systems, Supply Chain and Merchandizing, Staples, Inc.

Roger D. Blackwell, Professor of Marketing, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University

Brad Boston (3) Senior VP and CIO, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Raymond Burke. Professor of Business Administration, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

John Cianci, VP, Global IT Infrastructure, IBM Corporation

Mary Culnan, Slade Professor of Management & Info. Technology Bentley College

Scott Day, Global Information Protection Manager, Cargill, Incorporated

William Day, VP, Supply Chain, Sysco Corporation

Britt Dayton, VP, Supply Chain Development, Lowe’s Companies, Inc.

Kirk Drummond. VP and CIO, Sysco Corporation

Chris Dunning, Director of Enterprise Security, Staples Incorporated

Greg Ehlert, Director, Supply Chain and Business Services, Consumer and Office Business, 3M

Michael Elliott, Head of IS, Europe, Hasbro Incorporated

Hillary Gal. Managing Director, Head of Technology Control, Citigroup Global Corporate and Investment Banking Group

John Gallant, Editorial Director & President, Network World

Andrew Gottschalk. Attorney, Cargill, Incorporated

Thomas Greene, VP, Global IT-Americas, Colgate-Palmolive Company

Rita J. Heise (2). Corporate VP, Information Technology and CIO, Cargill, Inc.

Mark Hillman (2) IT Director, Global Supply Chain and B2C Operations, General Motors Corporation

Kevin Holian, Senior VP, Supply Chain Management and Merchandizing Systems, Staples, Inc.

Ray Huber, VP, IT and e-Business, Cutler-Hammer, Eaton Corporation

Peter A. Johnson, CIO, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

Rich Karlgaard, Publisher, Forbes

Don Kosanka, VP of Information Systems, Owens Corning

Ed Kriete, VP, Marketing Services, Hasbro Incorporated

Tom Lamb. VP, Customer Marketing, Lowe’s Companies, Inc.

Artur Landwehr, VP, ESG Sales Operations, Hewlett-Packard Company

David Lepow. Director of Building Materials, Supply Chain Ops, Owens Corning

Michael Mabry, Senior VP, Distribution, Lowe’s Companies, Inc.

Jim MacDonald CIO, Fidelity Management and Research

Denis F. Malin, VP, Corporate Systems, Staples, Inc.

Dave Marguliusm Analyst and Consultant, Enterprise Insight

John Marshall, Executive VP and Global Director of Strategy, Digitas

Jack Matejka. Director of IT Security, Eaton Corporation

John Moore, Director of Extranet and Intranet Security, IBM Corporation

John Mitchell, VP, Business Solutions, Lowe’s Companies, Inc.

Patrick E. Murphy, Professor of Marketing, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame

Donald E. Pearson, VP, Marketing & Business Development, Wilbur Chocolate, Cargill, Inc.

Ivona Piper, VP, Database Marketing, Staples, Inc.

Ananth Raman, Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

Ken Rathgeber, Executive VP & Head of Risk Oversight, Fidelity Management and Research

Meg Ressner, VP, Customer Supply Chain Operations, Owens Corning

Manny Rivelo, Senior VP, Worldwide Field Process and Operations, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Peter Ryan. VP of Marketing and General Manager, U.S. Home Care, Colgate-Palmolive Company

Donna Samulowitz. Corporate Director, Global Customer Loyalty, Whirlpool Corporation

Tom Sanzone, CIO & Managing Director, Citigroup Global Corporate and Investment Banking Group

Doug Schwinn, Senior VP & CIO, Hasbro Incorporated

Robert Sell, VP and CIO, Eaton Corporation

Esat Sezer (2) VP and CIO, Whirlpool Corporation

Reuben Slone, VP, Supply Chain, Whirlpool Corporation

Kirby Spike, CIO, Consumer and Office Division, 3M

Steve Stone, Senior VP & CIO, Lowe’s Companies, Inc.

Jenny Verner, VP, Supply Chain Management, Cargill, Incorporated

Max Ward, VP of Information Technology, Staples Incorporated



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Executive Fellows
This year the center has added a new group of affiliated executive fellows. We welcome the opportunity to be affiliated with the following thoughtful executives who share common interests and are engaged with the work of the center:

Adam Golodner, Director, Global Security and Technology Policy, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Sam Kinney, Founder, General Partner, Firehole Partners, L.P.
Blair LaCorte, Executive VP, Marketing & Business Development, Savi Technology
John Marshall, Executive VP and Global Director of Strategy, Digitas


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RadioTuck is sponsored by the center and conducts original interviews focused an aspect of the impact of digital technologies on the corporation of today. These interviews are broadcast on the web on the center’s website. This year the following eleven interviews were conducted – to listen to the interview, click on its title:

Blair LaCorte T’90, EVP, Marketing and Business Development, Savi Technology “Security or Visibility: Which is IT”

Bill Pond T’98, Manager of Site Operations, L.L. Bean “L.L. Bean Online Matures: Search & Merchandising Key to E-Commerce

Kevin Holian T’85, Senior VP, Supply Chain Management, Staples, Inc. and Don Ralph, Senior VP, Logistics, Staples, Inc. “Climbing the Supply Chain Summit


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Public Relations

Media Hits
The center’s leadership has been quoted or the center (or its events) mentioned in a number of articles in the public media over the course of the past year:

“Lights, CameraSales.” Newark Star-Ledger, October 26, 2003.
“The Wireless Warehouse: RF Tagging – The Next Step.” Profit Magazine, November 2003.
Nominating Panel, Leaders in Internet Business. iQ Magazine, November/December 2003.
“Trick or Treat! Now Start the Shopping Countdown.” The Washington Post, November 9, 2003.
“Outsourcing: The Calculus of Migrating Jobs.” International Herald Tribune, December 6, 2003.
“Who Wins and Who Loses as Jobs Move Overseas.” New York Times, December 7, 2003,
“Measuring Efficiency.” Operations and Fulfillment, January 1, 2004.
“Technology & Customer-Centricity: The right IT is key to delighting best customers.” RIS News, January 2004.
“Groom or Recruit?” CIO Insight, March 1, 2004.
“Cyber Age: Offshoring is Brain-sharing.” The Statesman, April 2004.
“Creating a Buzz” The Boston Globe, May 15, 2004.
“All the World’s a Stage” Fortune, May 17, 2004.


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Dartmouth/Tuck and Alumni Publicity
The center and its events have also been mentioned in several Tuck or Dartmouth publications. The center has been a part of every edition of Alumni Newsbytes that has been sent out to Tuck alumni by the school and additionally has been featured as noted below:

“Tuck/Cisco Though Leadership Summit Continues.” Tuck Today. Summer 2003.
“Tech@Tuck.” Tuck Today. Summer 2003.
“Johnson Named Full Professor”. Tuck Today. Winter 2004.
“The Customer-Centric Approach.” Tuck Today. Winter 2004.
“Alumni Panel on Security and Privacy.” Tuck Today. Winter 2004.
“Radio Tuck-Stay Connected.” Tuck Today. Winter 2004.
“The Talented 2003-04 MBA Fellows.” Tuck Today. Winter 2004.
“Tuck Reunion 2003” – Security and Privacy alumni panel mention. Tuck Today. Winter 2004.
“Demo shows off digital novelties.” The Dartmouth. February 5, 2004.
“Tuck students, faculty address ‘outsourcing'”, The Dartmouth. April 1, 2004.
“The entertainment of job outsourcing.” VOX of Dartmouth. April 5, 2004.
“What short, strange trips they’ve been. . .My ride as an MBA Fellow with Center for Digital Strategies.” by Mike Gozycki. Tuck Times. April 13, 2004.
“Inside Outsourcing.” Tuck Newsroom. Spring 2004.


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Press Releases and Other Publicity
The center has coordinated with the PR office for press releases (unless indicated otherwise) on its major events this year. All these releases have generally also been featured as highlights on the Tuck website. The following is a list of press releases this year:

“Tuck and Fortune 250 CIOs Address the Customer-Focused Organization.” Tuck School Press Release, September 10, 2003.
“Cisco Chairman Visits Tuck.” Tuck School Press Release, January 5, 2004.
“Tunes@Tuck.” Tuck School Press Release, January 27, 2004.
“Supply Chain Integration: Always Important, and Suddenly Sexy Again.” Tuck School Press Release, February 10, 2004.
“Tuck’s Center for Digital Strategies Partners with Dartmouth’s Hopkins Center for the Arts to Examine Outsourcing in India.” Tuck School Press Release, March 25, 2004.
“Corporate Outsourcing to South Asia Explored through International Collaborative Theater Production” Hopkins Center Press Release, March 25, 2004.
“Tuck and Cisco Gather Top Execs to Discuss Security vs. Speed and Collaboration” Tuck School Press Release, May 19, 2004.


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Thought Leadership Summit on Digital Strategies Website
The center has had a strong hand in developing all of the content on the Thought Leadership Summit on Digital Strategies website at This website, embedded as a part of Cisco’s corporate site, is co-branded with the center’s logo, a picture of Tuck, and links to the center’s website. It is co-developed with Cisco’s Thought Leader Network. The site has content output from every summit, including practically useful overviews of the content, and in some cases executive or academic participant Q&As, and videos featuring participants from the summits. In addition, it contains general information about the summit, the summit philosophy and logistics.


Website Development
During this year, the center added a couple of new sections to the site (Annual Report and Executive Fellows). The redesign we did last year, along with the increased marketing, paid off handsomely as the site has averaged more than 14,000 hits per month since the beginning of this academic year.


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