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Visiting Executive in Residence

Topics: Finance Internet of Things Risk Management

October 20, 2014 • Tuck School of Business

geirheads_blue_logoThe center is pleased to host Geir Ramleth, former CIO of Bechtel, founder of GeirHeads and executive fellow at the center, to Tuck during the week of October 20, 2014.

Mr. Ramleth will be here at the center, engaging in the following:

screen-shot-2016-10-27-at-3-11-48-pmMr. Ramleth is the founder of GeirHeads, an information technology investor and advisory company.

From 2002 until 2013 he was senior vice president and chief information officer of Bechtel Group, Inc., where he led the global Information Systems and Technology organization.

Prior to rejoining Bechtel, Mr. Ramleth held leadership positions for a variety of companies in the technology and communications industry. Among his responsibilities in those roles, he defined strategy and market position and secured multiple forms of financial resources.

Previously, Mr. Ramleth served as chairman and CEO of DigiPlex S.A., based in Zurich, Switzerland, which owned and operated large communications and networking facilities throughout Europe.

He also served as president and CEO of Genuity, a Bechtel Enterprises company formed to deliver Internet and data services. Mr. Ramleth has held management positions with Oracle, PageMart, and PacTel Personal Communications (now a part of Vodafone).

We warmly welcome Mr. Ramleth back to Tuck!

A Previous Visit with Geir

Geir visited the center as part of the Britt Technology Impact Series – listen to the interview on cloud computing.

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