Annual Report 2009-10

Annual Report 2009-10

Letter from the Directors

Programs and Events
Roundtable on Digital Strategies
Executive Education
Britt Technology Impact Series (BTIS)
Media & Entertainment Symposium

Research and Publications

Academic Publications
Executive Publications
Research Fellows Program
Research Projects

MBA Program Enrichment
MBA Fellows Program
MBA Fellows Projects
Visiting Executives and Academics

External Outreach
RadioTuck, YouTube, App & Twitter
Presentations and Event Participation
Participants in Center Events
Executive Fellows

Public Relations
Media Mentions
Dartmouth/Tuck and Alumni Publicity


Letter from the Directors

Dear Stakeholder,

This has been another exciting year at the Center. In this report, we outline our key achievements within all three of our mission areas: Scholarly Research, Executive Dialog, and MBA Program Enrichment. As you can see, the Britt Series plowed exciting new ground focusing on the impact of mobile technology. Besides the usual lineup of outstanding speakers and panels brought to Tuck, the series included, appropriately, experiments with the use of apps to better communicate the series both within and outside of Tuck.

The Roundtable on Digital Strategies again brought leading CIOs and line/functional executives into dialog on both sides of the Atlantic. Notably, the roundtable discussed both the risks and challenges of the downturn and opportunities to build for recovery. Our security research agenda shifted to focus on healthcare, an increasingly important topic for our country and Dartmouth. The new work was jump started by a $3M grant from the National Science Foundation for a project called Trustworthy Information Systems for Healthcare. In that project, CDS is part of an interdisplinary team including researchers from the Dartmouth’s medical school, sociology, and computer science. And like other years we ran both our CISO workshop and our BESP executive education program for information security professionals.

We were really pleased to welcome Kelli Pippin onto our team as our Marketing and Web Manager, she is quickly pulling our public-facing content into much better shape, with major new web initiatives underway for next year. Eric spent the year at Stanford, giving the center more west coast visibility and growing our own organizational ability to operate virtually.

With graduation over, we are excited to share the success of the past year and even more excited to further our progress for the upcoming year. To learn more, we invite you to read our Annual Report below to get all the details on events, people, and publications.



M. Eric Johnson           Hans Brechbühl
Director                         Executive Director


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Programs and Events

Corporate Roundtables
This year, the center organized three corporate roundtables for the Roundtable on Digital Strategies series. Each roundtable consisted of 15-20 CIOs and functional VPs from Fortune 500 companies and 2-3 senior academics engaged in a day-long moderated roundtable discussion. Together they shared perspectives on a specific business issue, wrestled with concerns common across sectors, and worked to identify digital strategies that create and sustain competitive advantage. Event summaries and/or content overviews (and much more) are available for each roundtable at the links below:

Business Intelligence and Analytics
June 2, 2010 • Charlotte, NC • hosted by Time Warner Cable

Global Supply Chain Management: Shifting Strategies
October 15, 2009, Frederick, MD

Technology, Transformation, and Collaborative Leadership
February 17, 2010, Houston, TX

Customer Experience and the Customer-Focused Organization
April 23, 2010, Vevey, Switzerland

Executive Education
This year, in partnership with Tuck’s Executive Education, the center facilitated and carried out the Business Engagement and the Information Security Professional (BESP) program for 17 CISOs. This executive education program sought to enhance leadership, financial, and communication skills, so that participants may engage more effectively with other business leaders throughout their enterprise. Participants learned to refine their understanding of risk management and decision making and had the opportunity to share best practices with colleagues from other companies to gain insight into the real-world issues they are facing today. For more information, see the link: Business Engagement and the Information Security Professional, April 26-29, Hanover, NH (Tuck)
Britt Technology Impact Series (BTIS)
The BTIS is a center-sponsored offering that hosts leading experts to discuss new technologies, innovations and trends. In addition to Tech@Tuck, this year the center held five events around the topic of mobile technology. The series is sponsored by IBM and a generous donation by Time Warner Cable’s CEO & President, Glenn Britt.

Mobile Future; Infrastructure, Enterprise, Commerce
April 28, 2010 Hanover, NH (Tuck)

Mobile Money; Innovation Ecosystems and Strategy
April 21, 2010 Hanover, NH (Tuck)

Mobile Advertising Panel with Apple and Hill Holliday
March 31, 2010, Hanover, NH (Tuck)

Location-Based Services; Tele Atlas
March 3, 2010 Hanover, NH (Tuck)

Mobile TV Value Chain; Business Models and Monetizing 3G
February 24, 2010, Hanover, NH (Tuck)

Tech@Tuck is a center-sponsored annual event for Tuck and the greater Dartmouth community that highlights digital technologies and their personal or business implications. This year, the crowning jewel in the BTIS series featured a panel comprised of executives discussing mobile technology, as well as hands-on demonstrations of the latest associated tech gear and devices. Tech@Tuck January 13, 2010 Mobile Strategy: Technology, Entertainment and Innovation

Media & Entertainment Symposium
The center assisted the Tuck Media Group in finding panelists and funds for this years Media & Entertainment Symposium. Along with the The Cable Center and Microsoft, the center also sponsored this event which examined the landscape of digital gaming, the changing traditional TV world and the movement from print to pixels. Among other noteworthy panelists and attendants, the event featured keynote speaker Phil Rosenberg of Sony PlayStation; Miky Lee, Vice Chair at CJ Entertainment & Media and Mark Stern, EVP at Universal Cable Products. More can be viewed at this link: Tuck Media & Entertainment Symposium


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Research and Publications

Academic Publications
The center and its affiliated faculty and fellows have made a material contribution to the publication of the following academic papers or publications this year:

Crowther, Kenneth G., Yacov Y. Haimes, M. Eric Johnson (2010), Principles for Better Information Security through More Accurate, Transparent Risk Scoring, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1-18.

Brechbuhl, Hans, Robert Bruce, Scott Dynes, M. Eric Johnson (2010), “Protecting Critical Information Infrastructure: Developing Cybersecurity Policy” Information Technology for Development, Vol. 16, No. 1, 83 91.

Johnson, M. Eric, Eric Goetz and Shari Lawrence Pfleeger (2009), Security through Information Risk Management, IEEE Security and Privacy, Vol. 7, No. 3, 45-52.

Johnson, M. Eric (2009) Data Hemorrhages in the Health-Care Sector Lecture Notes in Computer Science, R. Dingledine and P. Golle (Eds.): LNCS 5628, 7189, ICFA/Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Zhao, Xia and M. Eric Johnson (2010), Access Governance: Flexibility with Escalation and Audit
Proceedings of HICSS-43, International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Computer Society, Jan 5-8 2010, Hawaii.

Ajit Appari, Eric Johnson and Denise Anthony (2009). A Neo-Institutional View of HIPAA Compliance in Home Health
Proceeding of Workshop on Information Security & Privacy (WISP09), December 14, Phoenix.

Ajit Appari, Eric Johnson and Denise Anthony (2009). HIPAA Compliance in Home Health: A Neo-Institutional Theoretic Perspective
Proceeding of Security and Privacy in Medical and Home-Care Systems, Chicago, Nov 15.

Zhou, Zach and M. Eric Johnson (2009), The Impact of Information Security Rating on Vendor Competition
Proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, CA, August 6-9.

Appari, A., Anthony, D.L., and Johnson, E.M. (2009) HIPAA Compliance: An Institutional Theory Perspective
Proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, CA, August 6-9.

Zhou, Zach and M. Eric Johnson (2009), The Impact of Information Security Ratings on Vendor Competition
Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, University College London, England, June 24-25.

Appari, Ajit, Denise Anthony and M. Eric Johnson (2009), HIPAA Compliance: An Examination of Institutional and Market Forces
Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, University College London, England, June 24-25.


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Executive Publications
The center and its faculty and fellows wrote or edited the following articles published for the executive audience in the past year:
“Customer Experience and the Customer-Focused Organization.” Roundtable on Digital Strategies Publication. April, 2010
“Technology, Transformation, and Collaborative Leadership.” Roundtable on Digital Strategies Publication. February, 2010
Global Supply Chain Management: Shifting Strategies.Roundtable on Digital Strategies Publication. October, 2009
Assessing Risk in Turbulent Times.A Workshop for Information Security Executives. July, 2009
Reframing Your Business Equation. Laseter, Tim and M. Eric Johnson Strategy + Business, Summer, issue 55, 18-23. 2009

The center has developed the following cases for the Vincent L. LaCorte Case Series:
Digital Communication at Dell” by Jennifer Farrelly T’09, Professor Paul Argenti and Professor M. Eric Johnson, 2009.
Enhancing Service at Southwest Airlines” by Professor M. Eric Johnson and Joe Hall, 2009.

Research Fellows Program
The center welcomes the opportunity to work with researchers from an industry, consulting or appropriate government setting on areas of mutual interest. Among the center’s research fellows this year were:
Ajit Appari (risk measurement and management of IT investments)
Scott Dynes (information security and security investments);
Juhee Kwon (information risk management)
Xia Zhao (information security and security investments);
Charles H. White, Jr. (transportation security);
Zhizhong Zhou, (information systems, open source, supply chain and game theory);
Robert Bruce (telecommunications). Their latest publications can be found under “Academic Publications” and “Executive Publications” in this report.


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The center cooperates with and sometimes provides funding to affiliated researchers for research on topics of direct interest to the center. 

Information Leakage in the Extended Enterprise

Information Risk in Data-Oriented Enterprises

Adoption of Risk Measures

Research Grant
The center is part of a Dartmouth team that received a $3M NSF award to examine IT security in healthcare. Learn more here and here.


MBA Program Enrichment

MBA Fellows Program
The center offers this program for second-year students interested in digital technology and its broad impact on business today. Fellows have unique networking opportunities with the center’s visitors including executives visiting a number of technology related classes; gain a greater understanding of the issues of digital strategies by working with center faculty and events; and are able to do independent research or write a case in an area of interest to the student. This year’s fellows participated in the following ways:

Adam Carson T’10, RadioTuck interviewer, independent project
Daniel Hawkins T’10, RadioTuck interviewer, independent project
Kyle Khasidian T’10, RadioTuck interviewer, independent project
John Lojek T’10, RadioTuck interviewer, independent project
Amanda Lynch T’10, RadioTuck interviewer
Manish Srivastava T’10, Tech@Tuck organizer, independent project
Rajesh Vashist T’10, RadioTuck interviewer, Tech@Tuck organizer, independent project
Will Vincent T’10, RadioTuck interviewer, Tech@Tuck organizer, independent project

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MBA Fellows Projects
As part of their fellowship, MBA Fellows are required to engage in a project on a topic relevant to the center. Their papers/presentations are listed below:

A Digital Strategy for the Tuck Center for Digital Strategies” Adam Carson T’10
“Will 2010 Finally Be The Year of Location?” Daniel Hawkins T’10
Battle for 4G: LTE vs WIMAX” Rajesh Vashist T’10
Marketing Stella Artois: Micro Sites, Social Media, Augmented Reality and Apps” John Lojek T’10
Publish or Perish: A Business Model for Digital Print” Will Vincent T’10
Google vs Apple: The Battle for Mobile” Kyle Khasigian T’10

Visiting Executives and Academics
As part of its efforts to enrich the MBA program, the center invites and hosts executives and academics in conjunction with the professors teaching center-affiliated courses or for other events at Tuck. This year we hosted the following visitors for a variety of classes and events:

Lars Albright T’05, Director, Publisher Partnerships & Alliances, Apple, Inc.
Jonathan Barzilay, SVP, Programming and Advertising, FLOTV / Qualcomm
Kevin Bradshaw, CEO, buzzd
Adam Cahill, SVP, Director of Digital Media, Hill Holliday
Margot Carlson Delogne. VP of Global Communications, TeleAtlas
Terry Kramer, Regional President, Vodafone Americas
Perry LaForge T’84, 
Founder, Executive Director & Chairman, CDMA Group
Mark Lowenstein, Managing Director, Mobile Ecosystem
Mary McDowell, EVP & CDO, Nokia 
Mike Mulica, CEO, FusionOne
Matt Murphy. SVP, Digital Video Distribution, Disney & ESPN Networks 
Emily Nagle Green, President & CEO, Yankee Group Research 
Mark VandenBrink, VP of Technology Solutions, Samsung Telecommunications 
Barry West, Strategic Advisor, Clearwire
Dan York, EVP, Content, AT&T


External Outreach

Radio Tuck, YouTube, App & Twitter
Radio Tuck is an original interview series sponsored by the center and focused on the impact of digital technologies on the corporation of today. Interviews are available on our website as podcasts and in many cases, in video on our YouTube channel.The interviews are regularly featured on the Tuck homepage. The urls for the two sites are provided here:

The CDS Mobile App for iPhone
The center created a mobile App to support our Tech@Tuck events; it may be viewed here.

The center created a Twitter account to communicate information about upcoming BTIS events. The account has evolved to serve as a general communication tool for the center. Tweets may be seen here.


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Presentations and Event Participation
The center has presented at or attended the following events this year:
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 16-19, 2010, Oakland, CA

POMS, May 7-10, 2010, Vancouver, Canada

Healthcare Operations Management Mini-Conference, May 6, 2010, Vancouver, Canada

Cisco Supply Chain Leadership Institute, March 29-April 2, 2010, Shenzhen, China

Northern California Tuck Club, February 24, 2010, San Francisco, CA

Carlson School of Management OM Seminar, February 19, 2010, University of Minnesota

USD Business School Seminar, February 11, 2010, University of San Diego

Berkeley IEOR Seminar, February 8, 2010, University of California at Berkeley

Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 5-8, 2010, Kauai, HI

Workshop on Information Systems Economics, December 14-15, 2009, Phoenix, AZ

Cisco Supply Chain Leadership Institute, November 9-13, 2009, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2009, October 11-13, 2009, San Diego, CA

Conference on Information Systems and Technology 2009, October 10-11, 2009, San Diego, CA

Panel on the Changing Role of Corporate IT, prior to JAC. October, 2009, Zurich

ASCLD 2009 Symposium, Sept 15, 2009, Anaheim, CA

12th Supply Chain Thought Leaders Round Table, July 19 –  22, 2009, San Jose, Costa Rica

Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS), June 24-25, 2009, London (UCL)

INFORMS International, June 14-17, 2009, Toronto

Workshop on Security and Human Behavior(SHB), June 11-12, 2009, Boston (MIT)


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Participants in Center Events
The center has engaged Fortune 1,000 executives and top academics in a substantive way at its roundtables this year:

Puneet Bhasin, Senior VP and CIO, Waste Management

Bill Blausey, Senior VP and CIO, Eaton Corporation

Urs Bleisch, Senior VP and CIO, Holcim

Frank Boncimino, Senior VP and CIO, Time Warner Cable

Tony Borg, VP Corporate Operations Supply Chain, Nestlé

Dan Carroll, VP, Supply Chain Management (Aerospace Group), Eaton Corporation

Kelli Crane, Senior VP and CIO, Thomson Reuters

Twila Day, Senior VP and CIO, Sysco Corporation

Ricardo Ernst, Co-Director, Global Logistics Research Program, Deputy Dean, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University

Olivier Gouin, Group, CIO, Nestlé

John Garing, Director, Strategic Planning and Information, DISA

Norbert Hagenhoff, VP, Supply Management North Americas, Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. (ABB)

David A. Hammerle, Principal Vice President, Corporate Manager of Procurement and Contracts, Bechtel Corporation

Sam Howe, Executive VP and CMO, Time Warner Cable

Blake Ives, C.T. Bauer Chair in Business Leadership, C.T. Bauer School of Business, University of Houston

Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Director, Center for Business, Technology, and Law, University of Texas at Austin

Randy Krotowski, CIO, Chevron Global Upstream

Axel Kuhr, Head of Group Account Management, Group Senior VP, Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. (ABB)

Abbie Lundberg, President. Lundberg Media LLC

Bill McCorey, VP, Global IT Infrastructure Center of Excellence, IBM

Mike McGowan, Executive VP/General Manager, Hilti

Jim Miller, VP, Strategic Accounts and End-to-End Delivery, BT Americas

Keith Morrow, CIO, Blockbuster

Edouard Odier, CIO and Executive VP, Information Technology, Air France

Martin Petry, CIO, Hilti Aktiengesellschaft

Karl Probst, Senior VP and CIO, BMW

Al-Noor Ramji, CIO, BT Group

Geir Ramleth, CIO, Bechtel Corporation

Haider Rashid. Group CIO, Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. (ABB)

Clive Selley, MD Service Design, Global Services, BT Group

Bobbie Stempfley, CIO and Vice Director for Strategic Planning and Information, DISA

Keith Sturgill, VP and CIO, Eastman Chemical Company

Martijn Van Der Zee, Senior VP, E-Commerce, Air France KLM

Bruno Villetelle, VP, Head of Business Technology Centre IS/IT, Nestlé

Lucas Wagenaar, VP, Information Technology, Sysco Corporation

Stefan Wolfensberger, Head of Commercial Services, Holcim


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Executive Fellows
This was our fifth year working with our executive fellows. We welcome the opportunity to be affiliated with the following thoughtful executives who share common interests and are engaged with the work of the center:

Adam Golodner, Director, Global Security and Technology Policy, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Edward Granger-Happ, CIO, Save the Children
Sam Kinney, Founder, General Partner, Firehole Partners, L.P.
Blair LaCorte, Operating Partner, Texas Pacific Group
Dave Margulius, Analyst and Consultant, Enterprise Insight
John Marshall, Partner, Bridgespan Group
Mark Lange, CEO, TipMarks Inc.

Media Mentions
The center’s leadership has been quoted or the center (or its events) mentioned in a number of articles in the public media over the course of the past year. Explore the articles.

Dartmouth/Tuck and Alumni Publicity
The center and its events have also been mentioned in the following Dartmouth publications. Tuck’s First App,Tuck Today; June, 2010. Panel Discusses Mobile Device Future,” The Dartmouth; January, 2010. Panelists Discuss Issues of Internet Info Privacy,The Dartmouth; October, 2009. Prof. Discusses Information Security,The Dartmouth; May, 2009.

Cyber Security Report Emphasizes Cooperation,” The Dartmouth; February, 2009.Operation Tuck,” Tuck Today;2009.

Medical Identity Theft,Tuck Today; 2009.



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