Annual Report 2011-12

Letter from the Directors

Programs and Events
Roundtable on Digital Strategies
Executive Education
Britt Technology Impact Series (BTIS)
Media, Sports & Entertainment Symposium

Research and Publications
Academic Publications
Executive Publications
Research Fellows Program
Research Projects

MBA Program Enrichment
MBA Fellows Program
MBA Fellows Projects
Visiting Executives and Academics

External Outreach
RadioTuck & Social Media
Mobile App

Center Blog
Presentations and Event Participation
Participants in Roundtable on Digital Strategies
Executive Fellows

Public Relations
Media Mentions
Dartmouth/Tuck and Alumni Publicity


Letter from the Directors

Dear Stakeholder,

The 2011/12 academic year marked many important milestones for Center for Digital Strategies. It began with the center moving into a beautiful new space on the second floor of Tuck Hall — the original library space at Tuck.  The space is a wonderful blend of glass and traditional wood — all of us feel fortunate to work in this space every day!

In this report, we outline our key achievements within all three of our mission areas: Scholarly Research, Executive Dialog and MBA Program Enrichment.

The Britt Technology Impact Series plowed exciting new ground focusing on cloud computing, all highlighted by the BTIS mobile app that kept the Tuck community abreast of upcoming events, executive bios and session overviews. Notable participants in this year’s series include SAP’s Co-CEO, Bill McDermott and Symantec’s President and CEO, Enrique Salem. For the first time ever, three of the CIOs who are members of our roundtable spoke at a BTIS panel concerning the risks and rewards of cloud computing from a corporate viewpoint. Our MBA Fellows did a number of interesting projects, and at the center-supported Entertainment, Sports, and Media Symposium, the students welcomed CDS co-founder, Roger McNamee T’82, for the keynote address. Highlights from his talk may be seen here.

The Roundtable on Digital Strategies celebrated 10 years of bringing leading CIOs and business executives into dialog on both sides of the Atlantic. The 10-year anniversary roundtable brought the Americas and European chapters together here in Hanover to consider the impact of mega-trends in technology on corporate IT and business models. In our spring Americans roundtable hosted by Nike, the participants closely considered the challenges of managing enterprise risk, while the European group met in Lund, Sweden  to examine mobility, mobile apps and corporate apps deployment.

Our research agenda dug deeper into its focus on healthcare, an increasingly important topic for our country and Dartmouth. We focused both on the positive relationship between technology and the quality of care and the ongoing security concerns of digitizing health records. In an extensive study, we examined whether hospitals with EHR capabilities that meet or exceed 2011 MUOs were more likely to have better process and outcome quality. We are also examining the impact of specific technologies, for example, the impact of electronic medication administration records (eMAR) and computerized physician order entry (CPOE) on compliance with medication guidelines.

We’ve gained a strong digital presence though social media this year using Twitter to update hundreds of followers. We have also grown engaged communities on Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. Our myTUCK and Chatter presence is new but promising. And our website launched an ecommerce channel.

To learn more about this past year’s contributions and achievements, we invite you to read our Annual Report below for details on events, people, press and publications.
M. Eric Johnson       Hans Brechbühl
Director                    Executive Director

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Programs and Events

Corporate Roundtables
This year, the center organized four corporate roundtables, including our 10-Year Anniversary, for the Roundtable on Digital Strategies series. Each roundtable consisted of 15-20 CIOs and functional VPs from Fortune 500 companies and 2-3 senior academics engaged in a day-long moderated roundtable discussion. Together they shared perspectives on a specific business issue, wrestled with concerns common across sectors, and worked to identify digital strategies that create and sustain competitive advantage. Event summaries and/or content overviews (and much more) are available for each roundtable at the links below:

Managing Enterprise Risk
May 24, 2012 • Beaverton, OR • hosted by Nike

Mobile Apps and Corporate Apps Deployment – Europe
April 16, 2012 • Lund, Sweden • hosted by TetraPak

Mobile Apps and Corporate Apps Deployment – America
March 1, 2012 • San Ramon, CA • hosted by Brown-Forman

The Impact of Technology Mega-Trends on Corporate IT and Business Models
10-Year Anniversary
October 18, 2011 • Tuck Campus, Hanover, NH

CISO Executive Workshops
This year, the center organized two CISO Workshops. Each workshop consisted of 15-20 CIOs and functional VPs from Fortune 500 companies and 2-3 senior academics engaged in a day-long moderated roundtable discussion. Together they shared perspectives on a specific business issue, wrestled with concerns common across sectors, and worked to identify digital strategies that create and sustain competitive advantage.

Cybersecurity: Risks and Mitigation; An Executive Workshop for European CISOs
June 19-20, 2012 • Ittingen (Thurgau), Switzerland

Human Behavior and Security; An Executive Workshop for American CISOs
July 20, 2011• Tuck Campus • Hanover, NH • USA
Executive Education

SCTE Tuck Executive Leadership Program
April 30 – May 4, 2012  • Tuck Campus • Hanover, NH • USA
This year, in partnership with Tuck’s Executive Education, the center facilitated and completed, for the second time, an intensive course for leading Cable Industry executives. This well-recieved course sought to ensure that cable professionals have the business and leadership skills they need to create and execute strategies that impact their organizations.

Business Engagement and the Information Security Professional
October 25, 2011 • Tuck Executive Education Program • Hanover, NH • USA
Tuck’s Business Engagement and the Information Security Professional (BESP) four day program is designed specifically for heads of information security (CISOs) of the Global 1000, their direct reports, and other senior information security managers who interact with business colleagues across the enterprise.
Britt Technology Impact Series (BTIS)
The BTIS is a center-sponsored offering that hosts leading experts to discuss new technologies, innovations and trends. In addition to Tech@Tuck, this year the center held eight events at Tuck focused on the business applications and implications of cloud computing. Select individual events to experience video interviews, panel highlights and event photos or learn more about the overall program here. This series is sponsored by a generous donation from Time Warner Cable’s Chairman and CEO, Glenn Britt.
Ahead in the Cloud: Thriving in the Marketplace of Tomorrow
May 3, 2012 • Tuck Campus
The CDS was pleased to welcome Bill McDermott, Co-CEO and Executive Board Member of SAP AG, back to Tuck to discuss cloud computing

Higher Ed Chatter Summit: Creating a Social Enterprise
April 19, 2012 • Tuck Campus

Tuck was pleased to host peer schools and Foundation executives in this full day consideration of social CRM technology. Kendall Collins, SVP & GM, Chatter at will keynote the day.
The Fog of War: Security and Cloud Computing
November 29, 2011 •Tuck Campus

The CDS welcomed Enrique Salem, President and CEO of Symantec, to Tuck for a closer look at security in the cloud.

Maps, Spies and Commerce: Elevating Satellite Imagery with Cloud Computing
November 17, 2011 • Tuck Campus

Yancey L. Spruill T’97, CFO at DigitalGlobe, visits talk to talk about managing large amounts of data and enormous files in the cloud.
CIOs in the Cloud: Pinning Down Risks and Rewards
October 17, 2011 • Tuck Campus
Three top CIOs from Nestlé, Hilti and Bechtel shared their perspectives on cloud computing including security concerns and business opportunities. Shown left: Hilti’s CIO, Martin Petry.
Up in the Air: The Rise of Cloud Computing
September 23, 2011 • Tuck Campus

Peter DeSantis, the VP of Amazon Web Services and General Manager of Amazon EC2, visited Tuck to discuss cloud computing.
Social Living in the Cloud – Tuck Alumni Panels
August 9, 2011 • San Francisco, CA • Portland, OR • Seattle, WA

Tuck Alumni Panels Moderated by Professor Eric Johnson. Participants included executives from Facebook, Nike, EMC, Rhapsody, Cisco Systems, Emergence Capital Partners, Ariba and Rentrak.


Tech@Tuck is a center-sponsored annual event for Tuck and the greater Dartmouth community that highlights digital technologies and their personal or business implications. This year, the crowning jewel in the BTIS series welcomed guests from Amazon, AT&T, Cognitive Electronics, Google and IBM for a close look at the possibilities, problems and promises of cloud computing. Particpants included Peter Vosshall D’92, VP & Distinguished Engineer at; Steven Caniano, VP, Hosting & Cloud Services at AT&T Business Solutions and Tom Mills, Global Director, Enterprise Education at Google.

Innovation On Demand: The Promise of Cloud Computing
February 15, 2012 • Tuck Campus • TECH@TUCK

Media, Sports & Entertainment Symposium
The center assisted the Tuck Media Group in finding panelists and funds for this years Media, Sports & Entertainment Symposium. Along with the The Cable Center and Microsoft, the center also sponsored this event which was titled, “The State of Media in 2011.” The Symposium explored diverse perspectives from the media community to reflect on the rapidly-changing landscape of the entertainment industry. More can be viewed at this link: Tuck Media, Sports & Entertainment Symposium  

March 30, 2012 • Tuck Campus
In conjunction with the symposium, this panel looked at distribution models in cloud computing. Participants included Blair Westlake, Corporate VP of Media & Entertainment, Microsoft Corp; Justin Connolly, ESPN & Disney Media Networks and Aljit J. Joy SVP, Comcast Innovation Labs.

Roger McNamee T’82 – Keynote
March 30, 2012 • Tuck Entertainment, Sports and Media Symposium
Roger McNamee T’82, Co-Founder of Elevation Partners, was the keynote at the 2012 Entertainment, Sports and Media Symposium.


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Research and Publications

Academic Publications
The center and its affiliated faculty and fellows have made a material contribution to the publication of the following academic papers or publications this year:

The Economics of Financial and Medical Identity Theft; M. Eric Johnson
Springer, March 2012

Medication Administration Quality and Health Information Technology: National Study of US Hospitals; Ajit Appari, Denise Anthony, M. Eric Johnson, Emily Carian
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association

A Morphology of the Organisation of Data Governance; Boris Otto
Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems

Organizing Data Governance: Findings from the Telecommunications Industry; Boris Otto
Communications of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 29 No 1 Article

Information and Data Quality in Business Networking; Boris Otto, Yang Lee, Ismael Caballero
Electron Markets (2011) 21:83–97

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Executive Publications
The center and its faculty and fellows wrote or edited the following articles published for the executive audience in the past year:

Hospitals Must Safeguard Patient Data, M. Eric Johnson
US News & World Report

Health-Care Industry: Heal Thyself, M. Eric Johnson
Wall Street Journal

The Impact of Technology Mega-Trends on Corporate IT and Business Models
Roundtable on Digital Strategies Publication

A Better Way to Battle Malware, Tim Laseter and M. Eric Johnson
Strategy + Business, Issue 65

The Human Element, M. Eric Johnson
Tuck Today

Human Behavior and Security Culture – America, M. Eric Johnson, Jeff Moag
CISO Information Security Workshop Publication

Business Intelligence and Analytics
Roundtable on Digital Strategies Publication

Human Behavior and Security Culture – Europe, Jeff Moag, Hans Brechbühl, Tim Paradis
CISO Information Security Workshop Publication

The Business of Social: Engagement, Innovation and Collaboration, Tim Paradis
Britt Technology Impact Series Written Overview



Research Fellows Program
The center welcomes the opportunity to work with researchers from an industry, consulting or appropriate government setting on areas of mutual interest. Among the center’s research fellows this year were:

Ajit Appari (risk measurement and management of IT investments)
Juhee Kwon (information risk management)
Boris Otto (corporate data management)
Xia Zhao (information security and security investments)
Charles H. White, Jr. (transportation security)
Zhizhong Zhou, (information systems, open source, supply chain and game theory)
Robert Bruce (telecommunications)
Their latest publications can be found under “Academic Publications” and “Executive Publications” in this report.


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Research Projects
The center cooperates with and sometimes provides funding to affiliated researchers for research on topics of direct interest to the center. 

Healthcare IT

Information Security


MBA Program Enrichment

MBA Fellows Program
The center offers this program for second-year students interested in digital technology and its broad impact on business today. Fellows have unique networking opportunities with the center’s visitors including executives visiting a number of technology related classes; gain a greater understanding of the issues of digital strategies by working with center faculty and events; and are able to do independent research or write a case in an area of interest to the student. This year’s fellows participated in the following ways:

Marcus Castillo T’12, independent project, Tech@Tuck organizer
Manish Dalwadi T’12, independent project, blogger, Tech@Tuck organizer, RadioTuck interview
Torlisa Jeffrey T’12,  independent project, blogger, RadioTuck interview
Geoffrey Mattei T’12, independent project, blogger, Tech@Tuck organizer, RadioTuck interview
Jonathan Mitchell T’12, independant project, Tech@Tuck organizer
Vivek Narasimhan T’12, independent project, Tech@Tuck organizer, RadioTuck interview
Saurabh Sharma T’12, independent project, Tech@Tuck organizer, RadioTuck interview
Joan Shu T’12, independent project, 
Tech@Tuck organizer

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MBA Fellows Projects
As part of their fellowship, MBA Fellows are required to engage in a project on a topic relevant to the center. Their papers/presentations are listed below:

The Internet of Things, Marcus Castillo T’12
Enterprise Cloud Computing, Manish Dalwadi T’12
The Case for NFC: What’s All the Buzz? Torlisa Jeffrey T’12
Cloud Computing: Disrupting Business Models Since 1999, Geoffrey Mattei T’12
Greening of IT, Jonathan Mitchell T’12
Enterprise on the Go, Vivek Narasimhan T’12
Cloud Computing’s Impact on Outsourcing IT, Saurabh Sharma T’12
Lessons from News Corp.’s Past Failures in Adventures into Digial Media, Joan Shu T’12


Visiting Executives and Academics
As part of its efforts to enrich the MBA program, the center invites and hosts executives and academics in conjunction with the professors teaching center-affiliated courses or for other Tuck events. This year we hosted the following visitors for a variety of classes and events:

Steven Caniano, VP, Hosting & Cloud Services, AT&T Business Solutions

Dick Cantwell T’81, Global Vice President, Internet Business Solutions Group, Cisco Systems

Kendall Collins, SVP & GM, Chatter at

Peter DeSantis, the VP of Amazon Web Services

Mac Dougherty T’09, CEO & Co-Founder, Cognitive Electronics

John Garing, VP, ViON

Olivier Gouin, Group CIO, Nestlé

Mark Hillman, VP of Strategy and Product Line Management, Compuware

Matt Holleran D’89, Venture Partner, Emergence Capital Partners

Aljit J. Joy SVP, Comcast Innovation Labs

Mike McGinn T’92 D’87, Vice President, Customer Experience, Rhapsody International

Justin Connolly, ESPN & Disney Media Networks

David Chemerow T’75, COO & CFO, Rentrak

Bill McDermott, Co-CEO and Executive Board Member, SAP

Michael G. McGinn T’92, General Manager, Finance & Strategy, Rhapsody America, LLC

Roger McNamee T’82, Co-Founder of Elevation Partners

Tom Mills, Global Director, Enterprise Education, Google

Kent Parker, T’90, Chief Operating Officer, Ariba, Inc.

Martin Petry, CIO, Hilti

Steve Plume VP, Marketing, Dell KACE

Geir Ramleth, CIO, Bechtel

Andy Russell D’88, Global Director Sales & Customer Operations, Nike

Enrique Salem, President and CEO of Symantec

Yancey L. Spruill T’97, CFO at DigitalGlobe

Kate Taneyhill Jhaveri T’03, Global Platform Marketing, Facebook

William Tworek, Senior Technical Staff Member & Executive IT Architect, Office of the IBM CIO

Peter Vosshall D’92, VP & Distinguished Engineer,

Blair Westlake, Corporate VP of Media & Entertainment, Microsoft Corp

Nada Wheelock T’95, Manager, Global Services Social Media Strategy, EMC Corporation



External Outreach

RadioTuck & Social Media
RadioTuck is an original interview series sponsored by the center and focused on the impact of digital technologies on the corporation of today. Interviews are available on our website as podcasts and in many cases, in video on our YouTube channel. These interviews are regularly featured on the Tuck homepage. The urls for these sites and social media communities are provided below:

RadioTuck: online and in iTunes

The BTIS Mobile App: for Apple and for Android

Twitter563 Followers / 870 Tweets

YouTube:  83 Subscribers /  24,833 Video Views / 114 Videos

Facebook 143 Likes

LinkedIn: BESP Group 14 Members / Fellow Alumni 80 Members

myTUCK: 20 Members

The Center Blog19 Posts / 113 Comments


eShop: shop online for CDS gifts and gear

RSS Feeds: 5 Feeds / 37 Subscribers

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Presentations and Event Participation
The center has presented at or attended the following events this year: 

CISO Workshop on Human Behavior and Security Culture – Europe, June 21, Ittingen Switzerland

Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS), June 25-26, Berlin Germany (Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences)

Workshop on Security and Human Behavior (SHB), June 4-5, New York, NY (Google)

Roundtable on Digital Strategies –Managing Enterprise Risk, May 24, Beaverton, OR (Nike)

Securing IT in Healthcare, May 15-16, Hanover, NH

SCTE Leadership Insitute, April 30-May 4, Hanover, NH

Roundtable on Digital Strategies –Corporate Apps Deployment, April 26, Lund, Sweden (Tetra Pak)

Roundtable on Digital Strategies –Corporate Apps Deployment, March 1, Louisville, KY (Brown-Forman)

University of Miami School of Business, February 24, Maimi

ICIS Annual Conference, December 4-7, Shanghai

DSI Annual Conference, November 19-22, Boston

INFORMS Annual Conference, November 13-16, Charlotte

Business Engagement and the Information Security Professional, October 25-28, Hanover (Tuck)

ISSA International Conference, October 20-21, Baltimore

Roundtable on Digital Strategies – Fundamental Shift in IT, October 18, Hanover (Tuck)

Social Living In the Cloud, August 9,10,11, San Fran, Portland, Seattle

CISO Workshop on Human Behavior and Security Culture – America, July 20, Hanover (Tuck)


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Participants in Roundtables on Digital Strategies
The center has engaged Fortune 1,000 executives and top academics in a substantive way at its roundtables this year:

Christian Berger, Head of Group Org Retail & Corporates Erste Group Bank AG

Bill Blausey, Senior VP and CIO, Eaton Corporation

Urs Bleisch, Senior VP and CIO, Holcim

Frank Boncimino, Senior VP and CIO, Time Warner Cable

William J. Braun, CIO, Global Upstream, Chevron Corporation

Kerim Can, SVP Market Reach, Hilti Group

Sandra G. Carson, VP, Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance, Sysco Corporation

Twila Day, Senior VP and CIO, Sysco Corporation

John Gallant, Senior VP and Chief Content Officer, IDG Enterprise

Christoph Goeth, Head of Mobile Applications, Hilti Group

Bill Goetz, Senior VP – Marketing, Sysco Corporation

Olivier Gouin, Group, CIO, Nestlé

Tim Goodhind, Senior Director Solutions Consulting, Misys plc

T.J. Graven, VP and CIO, Brown-Forman Corporation

Tom Hageman, VP, Solutions Development and Support, Time Warner Cable

Don Harrison, Senior Director of Mobile Technologies, Sysco Corporation

David Held, Director, Global Standards & IT Business Processes, YUM! Brands, Inc.

Dion Hinchcliffe, Executive VP of Strategy, Dachis Group

Justin Kershaw, Senior VP and CIO, Industrial Sector – IT, Eaton Corporation

Hilary Krane, VP, General Counsel & Corporate Affairs, Nike, Inc.

Randy Krotowski, CIO, Chevron Global Upstream

Jerry-Qing Yuan Li, CIO, ABB Group – India

Mark Lange, IT and Enterprise Venture Advisor

Stefan Lundblad, Senior Architect, Tetra Pak

Jennifer McClinton, Director of Technology Development, Brown-Forman Corporation

Christian Nolke,  Senior Manager, Information Risk Management, Nike, Inc.

Charles R. (Dickie) Oliver, VP, Global IT, YUM! Brands, Inc.

Carlos Pappier, CIO, Tenaris

Christopher Perrien, Internet Strategist, IBM

Martin Petry, CIO, Hilti Aktiengesellschaft

Roland Paanakker, CIO and VP, Lean Business Solutions, Nike, Inc.

Geir Ramleth, CIO, Bechtel Corporation

Matthew Robinson, Technology Consultant, Former SVP & CTO, American Express

Mark Seall, Head of Global Web Management, ABB Group

Keith Sturgill, VP and CIO, Eastman Chemical Company

Andy Tidd, CIO, ABB Group

Per-Åke Tobiasson, Head of Global Process Office, Tetra Pak

Tim Williams, Director, Global Security, Caterpillar


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Executive Fellows
This was our sixth year working with our executive fellows. We welcome the opportunity to be affiliated with the following thoughtful executives who share common interests and are engaged with the work of the center:

Adam Golodner, Director, Global Security and Technology Policy, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Edward Granger-Happ, CIO, Save the Children
Sam Kinney, Founder, General Partner, Firehole Partners, L.P.
Blair LaCorte, Operating Partner, Texas Pacific Group
Dave Margulius, Analyst and Consultant, Enterprise Insight
John Marshall, Partner, Bridgespan Group
Mark Lange, CEO, TipMarks Inc.

Media Mentions
The center’s leadership has been quoted or the center (or its events) mentioned in a number of articles in the public media over the course of the past year. Tuck and Dartmouth mentions are in bold.

Hospitals Must Safeguard Patient Data
US News & World Report / May 2012

Demystifying “Do Not Track”
Tuck News / April 2012

Social Media: Information Networks are Vital to Success
Financial Times / March 2012

More Than Just Fun and Games, Apps Drive U.S. Economic Growth
US News & World Report / March 2012

Tuck Center Predicts Technology Future
The Dartmouth / February 2012

Kopalle Studies Future of Advertising in Media
The Dartmouth / February 2012

How Are CIOs Looking at Today’s Disruptive Tech Trends?
Enterprise Irregulars / February 2012

Cosi la Sicurezza Diventa un Lavoro
Corriere Della Sera – Italy / February 2012

Small Business Owners find Gold in Daily Deal Websites, but at a Cost / February 2012

What to Expect from Technology in 2012
Tuck News / February 2012

Piracy Acts could Impact Students
The Dartmouth / January 2012

L.E.K. Consulting Elects Center MBA Fellow Alum, Darren Perry, to Vice President
L.E.K. Consulting / January 2012

Pickles and Barbie Dolls
Brattleboro Reformer / January 2012

Defending Cyberspace
Inside Supply Management / December 2011

No Hit Toy to Brighten Retailers’ Christmas
New York Times / December 2011

Analysis: SAP’s new cloud czar to take on Salesforce, Oracle
Reuters / December 2011

Toys with Built-in Video Cameras are the Absolute Trend in 2011
Konstruktions Praxis / December 2011

Top Christmas toys Best Technology
Do News / December 2011

Tuck Students Compile List of Season’s Top Toys
The Dartmouth / November 2011

Tuck MBAs select Top Tech Toys for the Holiday Season
Financial Times / November 2011

Is Amazon About to Catch Fire
MSN Money / November 2011

Does R&D capability justify Microsoft’s monopoly?
The Straits Times / November 2011

Human Security Weaker than IT Security
Finextra / November 2011

Opinion Piece Outlines Four Steps for Greater Security in Health IT
iHealthBeat / September 2011

Health-Care Industry: Heal Thyself
Wall Street Journal / September 2011

Meg Whitman Is Named Hewlett-Packard Chief
New York Times / September 2011

Whitman In, Apotheker Out as H-P Chief
MarketWatch / September 2011

The Campus Enterpreneur
Financial Times / September 2011

Analysis: Outlook for tech spending getting darker
Reuters / August 2011

Walmart Bares All
New York Post / August 2011

2011 CIO 100 Awards
CIO Magazine / August 2011

Corporate Security Chiefs Focus on ‘Human’ Side of Cybercrime
Wall Street Journal / July 2011

A New Era for Open Enrollment Programs
Poets & Quants / July 2011

A Longer Leash
Tuck News / July 2011

Next in Big-Box Era: Downsizing
Omaha World Herald / July 2011

The Pros and Cons of GROUPON
Tuck News / July 2011



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