Britt Technology Impact Series

Big Data: The Information Explosion That Will Reshape Our World

September 18, 2012 • Tuck School of Business

Big Data: The Information Explosion That Will Reshape Our World Photo

As the 2012-13 Britt Technology Impact Series began its focus on big data,  we started with a simple question: What is big data? Big data is the notion that the amount of information is growing beyond our ability to manage it and make use of it. As for where it originates — well, it’s right in front of you. The technology that underpins modern society, from computers to social platforms to supply-chain networks, is driving an unparalleled increase in data. Experts say about 90 percent of information in the world today was created in the past two years,. This rapid growth makes clear that new tools are needed to capture, analyze and use huge sets of data.

Mike Gualtieri, principal analyst at Forrester, kicked off the focus on big data with a look at what is driving exponential growth in information and what it will mean for consumers and enterprises. He framed a discussion that will continue throughout the academic year. The series will be examining how increasing amount of data on customers, sales, inventories and other critical aspects of operations might reshape decision-making for the enterprise. We’ll be asking how sets of data might be combined to render previously unavailable insights. The series also will explore what this mountain of information means for consumers. What benefits might arise? What problems might occur?

Data is all around us and is changing the way enterprises operate and the way consumers go about their lives. Gualtieri helped to set the parameters around our discussion so we can better understand the questions we should be asking.

Mike Gualtieri, Principal Analyst Serving Application Development & Delivery Professionals, Forrester 

Find Mike on twitter.

Mike serves Application Development & Delivery Professionals. Mike’s research is focused on software technology, platforms, and practices that enable AD&D Professionals deliver faster agility, prescient customer experiences, and breakthrough operational efficiency. His key technology and platform coverage area is smarter systems including: predictive analytics, real-time analytics, complex event processing (CEP), business rules management systems (BRMS), expert systems, and emerging technologies that make software smarter. Mike is also a leading expert on the intersection of business strategy, architecture, design, and creative collaboration.

Mike is a recipient of the Forrester Courage Award for making bold calls that inspire leaders and guide great decisions. He is also the record holder of the most-read Forrester blog post.

Previous Work Experience
Mike has more than 25 years’ experience in the industry helping firms design and develop mission-critical applications in eCommerce, insurance, banking, travel/hospitality, manufacturing, healthcare, and scientific research for organizations including NASA, eBay, Bank of America, Liberty Mutual, Nielsen, EMC, and others, He has written thousands of lines of code, managed development teams, and consulted with dozens of technology firms on product, marketing, and R&D strategy.
He is a frequent and sought-after speaker at industry, corporate, educational, and technology events for his audience-designed, insightful, and energetic speeches.

Mike earned a B.S. in computer science and management from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. While a student, Mike was awarded three U.S. patents for inventing an expert system used to train air traffic controllers around the world.


Hear highlights from Mike’s presentation.


James Valdes T’13 asks Mike specific questions concerning big data.

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