Britt Technology Impact Series

Strategy & Innovation in Social Marketing

May 16, 2011 • Tuck Campus

Strategy & Innovation in Social Marketing PhotoJohn Bell, Global Managing Director, 360° Digital Influence

This discussion, with two top Ogilvy executives, looked at how companies are leveraging social technologies to increase brand loyalty and market share. They considered if ‘social’ supports the established correlation between relevance and revenue and where the value is located in the two-way conversation. The panelists fielded many questions from the inquisitive audience.
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Lou AversanoLou Aversano, Worldwide Managing Director, IBM Brand Services, Ogilvy WorldwideOgilvy
Lou joined Ogilvy and the IBM team in 1994. His joining was inspired by a longstanding love for technology coupled with a desire to be a part of a client and agency team that was going to make history by helping to revitalize the IBM brand. In the 15 years since joining the team, Lou has been an active citizen of the IBM and Ogilvy partnership. He’s worked on a broad spectrum of IBM’s business – Brand, PCs, servers, software, services, and OneVoice. Lou has led advertising, direct marketing, and interactive efforts. He’s been a part of the Worldwide, US, Latin American, and the European teams. Simply put, Lou enjoys working with and on IBM. Today, Lou leads a team of passionate people in over 20 countries. While Lou has participated in many successful endeavors on behalf of IBM, the achievement he is particularly proud of is being a part of a client/agency team that has won over 30 Effie Awards for campaign effectiveness – the most for any client/agency relationship in the past decade. Prior to joining Ogilvy, Lou had the opportunity to work for a variety of clients that include AT&T, Procter & Gamble, and DeBeers Diamonds. While working on DeBeers, Lou had the good fortune of meeting his wife, Anne Marie (a smart move while working on a diamond account!). Today, they live in New York with their three children. Lou received his Bachelor of Science degree in finance and marketing from Boston University, where he continues to be actively involved in an advisory role for AdLab – a student-run, nonprofit advertising agency that is part of Boston University’s Communications School.

About Ogilvy & Mather: Ogilvy & Mather is one of the largest marketing communications companies in the world. Through its specialty units, the company provides a comprehensive range of marketing services including: advertising; public relations and public affairs; shopper and retail marketing; healthcare communications; direct, digital, promotion, relationship marketing and digital production. Ogilvy & Mather services Fortune Global 500 companies as well as local businesses through its network of more than 450 offices in 120 countries. It is a WPP company (NASDAQ: WPPGY).
John BellJohn Bell, Global Managing Director, 360° Digital Influence, Ogilvy
About John, in his own words: My job is to take the latest in digital innovations and apply it to our business and our client’s business. Call it applied innovation. I have been designing solutions in social business for more than 5 years (with more than 15 more in marketing and communications) where I marry the discipline of marketing and communications with the new possibilities of social media. Lately, my sights are set on enterprise social media strategy which goes beyond marcom to helping major brands implement social media strategy across their business. I head up the global 360° Digital Influence team – Ogilvy’s global social media marketing and communications practice. Our team of Digital Influence Strategists integrates the power of social media – social networks, blogs, Web 2.0 applications – with digital marketing to produce measureable results. I have developed strategy and executed award-winning programs for clients including Ford, Lenovo, Unilever, BP, American Express and GROHE. We have developed a complete discipline around our experience and we now make “Digital Influence” – our methods, tools, strategic planning process and measurement – available to our B2C, B2B, and public organization clients. I joined Ogilvy in 2001 after a rigorous year launching an education and technology startup called HiFusion. Designed as a social platform to bridge the home to school, we deployed to several schools but eventually sold the company to Sylvan Ventures when the “bubble” burst. As Head of User Experience, I had the opportuntiy to design and deploy a complete social network from the ground up. John graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Arts in European history and a minor in communications spending a lot of time at the Annenberg School of Communications.
More on John’s bio  and John’s blog or follow John   John Bell on Facebook

Professor KopellPraveen K. Kopalle, Professor of Marketing, Tuck School of Business
Panel Moderator

After teaching at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona, for four years, Praveen Kopalle traded the warm, southern weather for the charming Northeast and joined the Tuck School in 1996. His teaching and research interests include marketing management, marketing research, pricing strategy, and new product development. Praveen received his Ph.D. in marketing management from the Graduate School of Business, Columbia University in New York City. He also has an MBA in marketing management from the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India, and a BS in mechanical and production engineering from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. In addition to his awards, research, and editorial accomplishments, Praveen is also a research director (Internet marketing and pricing) at the Glassmeyer/McNamee Center for Digital Strategies, and a faculty associate of William F. Achtmeyer Center for Global Leadership, both at the Tuck School. He is a marketing advisor for BeVocal, Inc., based in Santa Clara, CA and is an avid cricket enthusiast and a HAM radio operator. Visit Professor Kopalle’s website >

Glenn Britt, President, Chairman and CEO, Time Warner Cable

Listen to Mr. Britt explain why he supports the Britt Technology Impact Series.

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