Creating New Shopping Experiences with Social Media and Augmented Reality

April 7th, 2011

We just finished a fascinating report that examines the impact of mobile apps on traditional shopping. Researchers Neil Davis T’11 and Kathryn Malinick T’11 document how social media and augmented reality can create exciting new shopping experiences. My biggest takeaways are:
1. Brick-and-mortar retailers should not neglect the potential of mobile technologies to drive foot traffic and enhance the in-store experience.
2. Mobility presents a unique opportunity to personalize experiences within the store environment and to strengthen bonds between shoppers and brands. That said, a cookie-cutter mobile approach will do little to differentiate a retail experience. Rather, each unique retailer requires a customized blend of mobile features and offers that align with shopper demographics and attitudes as well as retailer brand identity.
3. Despite the hype surrounding companies using mobile advertising to drive brand awareness and revenue, mobility remains an emerging technology.
One particularly interesting area is the use of social games to drive significant interaction with a retail brand. Last week I moderated a panel on social gaming at Tuck’s Media Symposium where we explored this idea. Chris Mahl (SVP and Chief Brand Alchemist, SCVNGR) described how SCVNGR works with retailers like Neiman Marcus to create social games that bring participants into the store.

Experience the interview with Chris Mahl, SVP, SCVNGR:

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