Tech@Tuck Archives

AdTech 101: From Impressions to Installs and Back Again

The Center for Digital Strategies and the Tuck Technology Club are excited to welcome Ben Rodriguez TP’22, Senior Product Manager at Vungle for a Tech 101 Learning Series session focused on AdTech. Specific areas of focus will include:

  • AdTech Landscape
  • Basic Mechanics of AdTech – Ads & $
  • Key Metrics
  • Current Trends
  • Opportunities and Careers

Ben Rodriguez is an experienced product manager with expertise in the AdTech space. Currently, he works as a Senior PM at Vungle, a mobile ad network and in-app monetization company. Previously, he worked at gaming companies, Unity Technologies and UbiSoft, as well as Proctor and Gamble. He is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and Harvard Business School.

Please fill out this 4-question survey in advance of the session: Survey Link

January 31st | 12:05PM | Rosenwald Classroom

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