Tech@Tuck Archives

Lunch and Learn with Matt Marolda T’02, President of Applied Analytics at WarnerMedia

February 26, 2019

Matt MaroldaThe Center welcomes Matt Marolda T’02 to speak during Professor Taylor’s class, Strategic Change in the Turbulent Digital Age. Mr. Marolda will join Professor Taylor to teach the case they co-authored from his time at Legendary Entertainment, where he served as Chief Analytics Officer.

Case: Legendary Entertainment – Film Making in the Age of Analytics

Matt Marolda T’02, President, Applied Analytics at WarnerMedia
Matthew Marolda is the President of Applied Analytics at WarnerMedia. He was formerly the Chief Analytics Officer at Legendary Entertainment, where he formed and ran Legendary’s Applied Analytics division, which used data and analytics to drive strategic decisions across all aspects of the company.

Prior to Legendary, Mr. Marolda founded StratBridge LLC in 1999.  StratBridge had two software solutions businesses: “moneyball” player analysis software used by many organizations in the NFL, NBA, European Football and Major League Soccer (sold to XOS Digital in 2012), and dynamic pricing and revenue analysis software used by many professional sports teams (acquired by Legendary in 2014, after Mr. Marolda had joined Legendary).

He earned his MBA at the Tuck School at Dartmouth where he won the Adams Award for Excellence in Entrepreneurship. Mr. Marolda graduated from Bowdoin College with Honors, earning majors in economics and mathematics and a minor in art history.

**Note this event is private and only open to CDS Fellows and Associates

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