
Title for Page that Show All Side Widgets

Scroll down to see sample shortcodes for Widgets.  These can be placed to call out special content, quotes, galleries, etc.

To insert a Form into the copy, like in the case of a BTIS event, use this code with [] on either end.  gravityform id=”XX” title=”false” description=”true”  Note that you need to update the id with the corresponding Form ID number found on the back end of WordPress.

Add brackets to this for the shortcode of widget below: custom_quote content=”“Nullam id lorem condimentum, ultricies sapien non, consequat magna. Vestibulum dapibus, lorem quis vehicula laoreet.”” author=”Alex Burgess T’09 Director of Customer Experience Design Liberty Mutual Insurance”

“Nullam id lorem condimentum, ultricies sapien non, consequat magna. Vestibulum dapibus, lorem quis vehicula laoreet.”

Alex Burgess T’09 Director of Customer Experience Design Liberty Mutual Insurance

This widget is used to pull out a quote from a person or publication that is relevant or poignant.  Use this in a piece that doesn’t have a lot of images to help break up the text visually, and keep the reader engaged.

This is squirrel text. Lots of text here to divert you.  It’s very interesting but the shortcode is what you want.  Lots of text here to divert you.  It’s very interesting but the shortcode is what you want.  Lots of text here to divert you.  It’s very interesting but the shortcode is what you want.

The widget below is a great way to call out a link to a PDF, executive program application, press hit, case study, etc.

Add brackets to this for the shortcode of widget below: related_content title=”Download Brochure” content=”Learn more about the 2017 Business and the Information Security Professional executive program” link=”” image=”


This is squirrel text. Lots of text here to divert you.  It’s very interesting but the shortcode is what you want.  Lots of text here to divert you.  It’s very interesting but the shortcode is what you want.  Lots of text here to divert you.  It’s very interesting but the shortcode is what you want.This is squirrel text. Lots of text here to divert you.  It’s very interesting but the shortcode is what you want.  Lots of text here to divert you.  It’s very interesting but the shortcode is what you want.  Lots of text here to divert you.  It’s very interesting but the shortcode is what you want.

To insert bios into the body of the text instead of as a side widget use this code, + brackets: bio_items 

bio_item image=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/post-history3.jpg” link=”″ title=”Roger McNamee”



Galleries can be inserted anywhere in the copy on detail pages.  On the old 2010 site these were typically displayed at the bottom of the page.

Add brackets to this for the shortcode of widget below: custom_gallery id=”5″

  • Participants gather for dinner in Stell at Tuck the night before the roundtable.

  • Hans moderated the four sessions, including, "The Collective Impact of Technology Trends; Emerging Digital Business Models and Corporate Roles; The Organizational Approach: IT Structure, Culture and Governance Principles; The Future CIO Role: Where Will We Lead Corporate IT?"

  • All the participants gather for a shot on the front steps to Tuck. (front) Steve Plume, Tim Sarvis, Michael Krigsman, Roland Paanakker, Mark Hillman, Donna Vinci, John Garing, Hans Brechbuhl (back) Alva Taylor, Max Braun, Mark Meyer, Tim Gude, Volker Laska, Jim Green, Edward G. Happ and Stephen Kahl.

  • Clariant's CIO, Volker Laska, explains why he sees digital leadership as a partnership and that leadership configuration is often dependent on the industry.

  • Dean Matt Slaughter speaks with the Roundtable Participants.

  • Participants Tim Sarvis, Director, IT Supply Chain and Administrative Solutions, Eastman Chemical Company on the left and John Garing, VP, ViON Corporation on right.

  • Tim Gude, Corporate Executive Director of IT, Finance and HR at Volkswagen AG participated in the roundtable discussion on Thursday and the Tech Conference/Britt Technology Impact Series panel on Friday.

  • Levi Strass's CIO, Roland Paanakker, responds to a question. He also participated in the Tech Conference/Britt Technology Impact Series panel on Friday.

  • Mark Meyer, Head of Global IM at Tetra Pak Group, shares his perspective as Professor Taylor listens.

  • Mark Hillman, CEO of Lenderful, Co-founder of Mad Dog Technology and longtime friend of our center, gives his views and Bank of Queensland's Group Executive, Donna Vinci, listens close.

  • CDS MBA Fellow, Kaia Davis T'16, listens in.

  • Edward G. Happ, Global CIO, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies came from Geneva for the discussion. To his right sit Roland Paanakker, CIO at Levi Strauss and to his right is Clariant's CIO, Voker Laska.

  • Professor Taylor likes what he hears!

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