Serving is a Key Part of Tuck Community

August 29th, 2012

Today the T14s put feet to Tuck’s value of giving back to the Upper Valley community.  It was a perfect late summer day, with a morning snap in the air and a warm sun blazing in a blue bird sky.  The Community Outreach Day is a tradition of orientation that connects Tuckies to local nonprofits.
Coordinated by the Center for Business and Society the students worked in teams to brainstorm challenges facing 26 local nonprofits.  For example, at High Horses in Norwich, the team learned how therapeutic horseback riding can help those with mental or emotional challenges improve patience, trust, and self-worth.  The students worked to think through survey approaches to help High Horses better understand how they are meeting the needs of their recipients.

Other teams across the valley rolled up their sleeves and fired up their laptops. For example, in White River Junction, teams worked at the Upper Valley Haven and Listen’s Teen Lifeskills Center.  At the Haven, the team worked with Executive Director Sara Kobylenski to brainstorm ways to handle growth while maintaining a focused strategy.  Like several other local nonprofits, the Haven also participates in the Revers Fellows Board Program that places second year MBA students on the board of local nonprofits.  The program supports the Upper Valley community while encouraging students to continue their involvement with nonprofits in the communities in which they will live as Tuck alumni.  Last year, I worked with two Fellows to think through the Haven’s response to Hurricane Irene and develop plans for future disaster response.
From serving meals to the homeless to developing long-term funding strategies, Tuckies learn the close link between business and community and the great joy of serving.
High Horses

T14s learning to ride at High Horses
Upper Valley Haven
Listen’s Teen Lifeskills Center

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