Tag Archives: Cloud Security

Cloud offers Clear Benefits but the Rate of Adoption is Varied

Torlisa J, T'12

Last week, I attended the Center’s Tech@Tuck conference on cloud computing. The conference allowed us to interact with vendors who leverage the ...

Roundtable Discussion: Impact of Major Technology Trends

Hans Brechbuhl, Executive Director

In our last roundtable we had the opportunity to discuss the five mega-trends impacting corporate technology.

Symantec CEO Clears the Fog

Prof M. Eric Johnson, Associate Dean Tuck School of Business

I had the pleasure of hosting Enrique Salem (CEO Symantec) today as part of our Britt Technology Impact Series.

The Cloudy Future of Plug & Play – A Summary of Amazon’s Visit to Tuck

Tim Paradis

Peter DeSantis, VP of Amazon Web Services and General Manager of Amazon EC2 came to Tuck to discuss cloud computing. Experience the summary of his vis...


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