Tech@Tuck 2011

December 20th, 2010

Right now, though much of campus is preparing for the long holiday break, my colleagues and I are busy prepping the crown jewel event in our Britt Technology Impact Series. The jewel is lovingly known as Tech@Tuck and will take place on January 13, 2011. This year our series is focused on social technology as it relates to business practice, consumer behavior, operations, marketing, communications and monetization efforts. Tech@Tuck will specifically consider the importance of social and the enterprise. Our new program manager, Tim Paradis, is gearing up some really intriguing companies for the vendor demonstration.
We welcome input on this – any thoughts on companies that could demonstrate their social products or social businesses here at Tuck?
Even in this quaint and quiet northeast corner of our country, I am daily reminded of the exceptionally exciting time we live in. The advancement of social tools combined with the reach of mobile technology continue to drive this spectacular engine we call “life” forward so quickly and in such a connected manner. When I graduated college 11 years ago, I couldn’t imagine where the worlds of email, ecommerce and computer-enabled innovation would bring us. (I remember one class I took on photo editing; that screen looked NOTHING like PS does today!) And now as I have a hand in developing mobile apps for our students to consume, coordinating panels with business experts discussing topics such as cloud computing or the new world of socially-empowered customers, I am repeatedly invigorated by the world today’s students are building and thriving in. It’s a noisy world, for certain. But making sense of the noise and harnessing its power for maximum impact … well that’s the good stuff.

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