Tech@Tuck is Tomorrow – Blizzard or Not!

January 12th, 2011

This is the view outside my office window right now. The storm has most certainly arrived, but tomorrow’s Tech@Tuck will go on! My colleagues and I are busy finalizing all the details. David R. Godsman, VP of Global Web Strategy  at Starwood Hotels and Resorts will actually be joining us via the web. No need to worry about the experience, however, as the audience will be able to view Mr. Godsman’s face and hear his voice in real time. I’m hoping the remainder of our panelists, vendors and visitors find travel tomorrow uneventful as we’ll discuss the hot topic of “Social & the Enterpise.” I am pleased we are illuminating the diverse social technologies available to industries. It’s such a noisy world we live in: my igoogle page has over 53 RSS feeds that I claim keep me up-to-date; my ‘smart’phone is constantly buzzing at me; Microsoft Office Communicator is constantly popping in my face, my iPad apps are now pushing messages my way; some days I go cross-eyed managing content across multiple social channels, and, oh yeah, that spectacular original digital brand maven – OUR WEBSITE. But it’s all so invigorating.
I used to think that our human race was so overly connected and slammed by this noise that ironically, we no longer knew how to really connect with one another …. but I retract that now. I think most of us have climbed the social tech and mobile tech learning curves and know how to make them work for us in our own way. Personally, I know I haven’t felt this connected with my colleagues, co-workers, family or friends in many years. I say,  “God bless this connectivity, bring on ‘anywhere‘ and yes, I look forward to the day when authentication delivers my content and my ability to communicate on whatever form factor I so desire and from where ever in the world I may be!”

What do you think – are we too connected? And will the term, “social” in regards to technology fade as it all becomes viewed as simply another digital communication channel?

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