Topic: P2P / Sharing Economy

Sharing Economy – Access Beyond Ownership

Kelli C. Pippin, Communication Manager

This year’s Tech@Tuck is exploring the phenomenon known as the sharing economy.

Roger McNamee T’82, Co-founder, Elevation Partners

Roger McNamee, Co-founder, Elevation Partners Roger McNamee is a co-founder of Elevation Partners. He began his career in 1982 at T. Rowe Price Associ...

Roger McNamee T’82 on Investment Opportunities and Careers in the New Sharing Economy

CDS co-founder, Roger McNamee T’82, shares his unique perspectives on technology trends and shifts in the economy with MBA students from the Tuc...

Groove Networks: Making P2P a Reality

Is P2P the future of collaboration in the workplace? Groove Networks certainly believes so, as do backers Accel Partners, Intel Capital, and most rece...


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