When Your Office Feels Like Home

April 25th, 2013

I have to chuckle every time someone walks into our center at Tuck 205 and says, “Wow, I didn’t know this is where you guys were. What a nice space!” Maybe our apps don’t do a good job of driving people here, maybe our entryway signage isn’t well enough lit or maybe everyone in the Tuck community works so hard they rarely get a chance to walk around Tuck and explore new spaces. That latter situation is probably the root cause.
We’ve been here for over a year and have settled in nicely to the bright space featuring gorgeous, original ironwork complemented by new, sleek and frosted glass walls. I do love it here; every morning as I walk through the door I say a short little thank you to the powers that be. For you see, our office feels like a home.
But it’s not the space that evokes that feeling, it’s the people. So when Eric told us this week that he was leaving to become the Dean at Vanderbilt’s Owen School of Management, I saw us all react much as a family would. There was clear elation for his success twisted up with sorrow for losing him. My colleagues have been together for over a decade and I’ve been lucky enough to spend nearly four years here working to bring technology to Tuck. It’s been a great ride and I’ve been learning and smiling the entire trip! Now, I simply have to keep reminding myself that change is good.
Please swing up to the center and say hello. We would love to see you and show you the space.

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