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Entertainment, Sports & Media Symposium

Topics: Consumerization of IT Culture Customer Operations

April 4, 2013 • Tuck School of Business

blairwestlake_microsoftOn April 4-5, Tuck held its 5th annual Entertainment, Sports & Media Symposium. This year’s symposium focused on what media business models will look like in five years. The conference involved three panels: traditional media companies, new entrants to the field and those companies attempting to bridge the gap. This event is hosted by the student-run Entertainment, Sports & Media Club at the Tuck School.

Attending Companies:

Weather Channel

Thursday, April 4
Jean-Baptiste Vallet, Publicis

Opening Night Movie
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE is a documentary that gives an exclusive look and explains the phenomenon of some of the most influential and unique content creators raising the bar for online media. Through a series of intimate narrative vignettes, the film explores the different journeys taken by a creators to get to where they are today, how they’re staying relevant in a growing and saturated market, what their daily lives consist of, what drives them, and what they hope the future in this unstable, ever-changing medium looks like.
Friday, April 5
Opening Remarks – Jay Scanlan, Partner, TMT, McKinsey & Co.

The User Revolution – Moderated by Professor Andy King
The new media world has embraced user participation and content creation. Where is it going? How will it grow? What’s next?


  • Mark Burrell – Tongal
  • Paul Snow T’10 – YouTube
  • Chris Herbert T’07 – The Weather Channel

2:45pm – 4:15pm; Borelli
New Viewers, New Methods – Moderated by Professor Kevin Keller
Traditional media powers are experiencing record growth by finding and reaching audiences in new ways and places. Where are the opportunities? What are the challenges?


  • Amina Canter – Time Warner Cable
  • Robert Gulliver T’97 – NFL
  • Mike Lawlor T’06 – Univision
  • John Porio – Disney Media Networks

4:30pm – 6:00pm; Georgiopolous
Keynote – Blair Westlake, Corporate VP, Media & Entertainment Group, Microsoft

  • Lesley Chin T'13 and Blair Westlake, Corporate VP at Microsoft, during their fireside chat.

  • Hans asks Blair a question about data and media.

  • Justin Purnell T'13 and Professor Andy King.

  • Professor Kevin Keller with Time Warner Cable's Amina Canter and Disney's John Porio.

  • NFL's Robert Gulliver responds to a question from the crowd.

  • The crowd shows gratitude for the engaging discussion.

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