Britt Technology Impact Series

Understanding and Monitoring the Darknet in a Data-Centric World

Topics: Big Data / Analytics Governance P2P / Sharing Economy Privacy Security

November 6, 2017

Alison Connolly T’11
Director of Strategic Partnerships

How do you know if you or your company have been hacked? Your information is for sale on the darknet. Do you know how to find your company’s compromised data? Users of the darknet do, and they’re more than willing to pay for it and use it to their advantage.

The websites we browse each day make up only a small percentage of the internet. These sites, collectively known as the surface web, are visible and accessible to common search engines you likely use daily. Beyond the surface web, the other 96% of online content is found in the deep web and the darknet.

Join the Center for Digital Strategies and guest, Alison Connolly T’11, as she explains what the darknet is and why it’s important in determining if you or your company have been hacked. Alison will demonstrate her firm’s DarkOwl Vision platform, which provides the world’s largest commercially available database of DARKINT. Unlike conventional offerings which rely heavily on manpower to comb the darknet, DarkOwl Vision automatically, anonymously and continuously collects, indexes and ranks actionable darknet data. By shortening the time frame to detection of compromised data, organizations can swiftly detect security gaps and mitigate damage prior to misuse of their data.

Alison Connolly, a T’11, is Director of Strategic Partnerships at DarkOwl, which has the world’s largest commercially available database of darknet content. DarkOwl is a Denver-based company that is regarded as the darknet experts and empowers organizations to continually improve their cyber-security defense. Alison joined OWL over a year ago to take a senior role in crafting and executing a sales strategy for the organizations which had undergone some turmoil.  Since graduating from Tuck she has spent her career in sales and business development roles, arguably not a typical path for MBAs, and has built her career around incorporating an MBA mindset to traditional BD processes. She has led organizations to bridge the gap between sales and delivery and successfully shortened sales cycles, improved prospecting metrics and onboarding, and achieved revenue growth faster.

Prior to this role, Alison ran her own consulting firm, Spinnaker Consulting, where she designed and executed on sales growth plans and client acquisition and retention. Working with several firms across the US, her focus was on quick identification and correction of gaps in prospecting strategy, sales process, onboarding, and client services. Prior to going out on her own, she held the position of National Director of Girls Lacrosse at 3d Lacrosse, where she built the women’s division through key acquisitions across the country and before that, she served as Director of Business Development at Allonhill, also based in Denver.

Alison graduated with distinction from Tuck in 2011, and received several awards including Tuck Scholar, the Herman Feldman Memorial Price and the Julia Stell Award. Alison received her Bachelors from Middlebury College in 2002 where she graduate Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Economics and was also a two sport All-American in soccer and lacrosse.

DarkOwl provides darknet threat intelligence data and services to allow companies and organizations to understand and mitigate their own digital risks. DarkOwl’s data platform allows companies to see in real-time the theft, breach, or other compromises of their proprietary data on the darknet, allowing them to both mitigate damage prior to the information being misused and to highlight gaps in their cybersecurity perimeter. This database is believed to be the largest database of darknet content available to commercial users. DarkOwl complements this with a full range of cybersecurity consulting services.

November 6 | 12-1pm | Barclay Classroom (Murdough)

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