Digital Excellence: CG Moving Company

August 15th, 2016

Topics: Culture Enterprise IT Operations Process Management

Tuck School’s Center for Digital Strategies takes part in several Executive Education programs offered throughout the year, and in a number of locations. The “Digital Excellence Program“, offered in partnership with Google, was first offered in June 2015 and is geared towards the Minority Entrepreneur. The goal of this program is to provide participants with the tools needed to bring their digital marketing and communication skills to the next level. Sessions vary in topic from Google Analytics, to AdWords, to business leadership skills. The CEO of CG Moving, Charlie Gonzalez, gave us a bit of time to talk about his Tuck experience, and the digital strategy impact of the program.

How does the use of digital technology or strategy help enhance your business?
We knew CG Moving Company needed a clearer digital strategy. We are proud to be a small company, but attending the Tuck and Google Digital Excellence course, gave us the confidence to grow our company in the physical and digital fields! We are aware now, that having an online presence that reflects the professional company that we are is important.

What was a key takeaway for you at the Digital Excellence Program that has helped your business?
That our digital presence (logo, website, social media posts), need to reflect the company that we are. For example, we had been using the original logo since our company was founded (2005) and it just didn’t reflect who we are now, 10 years later. So we changed our logo and our tag line to be more aligned with who we are now and we believe it conveys the message of a smart, safe, professional moving company and the vibrant colors (green and yellow) along with the in and out arrows of the logo reflect a company on the move. We are currently developing a new website which will reflect the new image. By the way, with the logo change, we changed the trucks signage and our crew uniforms.

Are there any specific digital or tech policies that have helped create a positive internal culture for your team?
We had the opportunity to work for the Super Bowl 50 Host Committee when they were in San Francisco, and we took some really nice pictures of the crew working there (with the client’s permission). We posted them on our online social accounts and received very good feedback from our clients and followers. We had tried in the past to stay away from posting employee pictures but this change in our digital policy was very positive. Pictures were shared by many of our employees and that reflects pride in their work.

What has been one big surprise around the impact or influence of digital on your company?
That you don’t need to pay a lot of money to have a good, professional online presence, but you do need to know what to ask your marketing, graphic designers or web site designers. The Digital Excellence course gave us those tools. The Google Analytics session was an eye opener, we can see so much information about our website visitors and so we are making changes that will hopefully lead to more “Contact Us” forms submissions that can turn into estimates and moves!

Executive Bio
Charlie Gonzalez, CEO, CG Moving Company
Digital Excellence, December 2015

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