
Sotera Wireless

ViSi Mobile’s potential for value creation was clear to many and the complete system was now ready for sale.  But success would require cooperation...

AT&T Comcast Corporation: Making Good on the Broadband Promise?

On December 19, 2001, AT&T’s Board of Directors unanimously approved Comcast’s bid for AT&T Broadband. AT&T’s strategy t...

NTT Docomo Business School Case Study
NTT DoCoMo in the 3G Wilderness

When NTT DoCoMo launched its third generation (3G) wireless mobile communication network in 2001, it was well ahead of potential 3G rivals in Europe a...

Groove Networks: Making P2P a Reality

Is P2P the future of collaboration in the workplace? Groove Networks certainly believes so, as do backers Accel Partners, Intel Capital, and most rece...


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