Connected Everywhere: The Transformation to a Hyperweb World

Topics: Apps Big Data / Analytics Cloud Computing Customer Infrastructure Mobile

Patrick Wheeler

Britt Technology Impact Series Overview


The 2014–15 Britt Technology Impact Series examined the transformational impact of the growing hyperweb and the fusion of technology into every interaction in our corporate and social worlds. Over the past six years, the Center for Digital Strategies examined six major technology trends and how they impact individuals, businesses, and industries. Technologies, such as video, mobile, social, cloud, big data and the internet of things all play a significant role in shaping the way we all see and interact with the world. We now face a perfect storm where these technologies are coming together to change the world in previously unimaginable ways.

Learn more about how hyperconnectivity is changing business and creating new opportunities for growth by exploring an overview of the 2014-15 Britt Technology Impact Series.

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