
CDS Publications

Learn more about technology trends and impacts through research done by Faculty, Fellows, and friends of the Center.

Tuck and Google: The Power Duo Making An Impact on Women and Minority Owned Small Businesses

by Kylee Sibilia Twice a year, Tuck partners with Google to run a program that gives minority small business owners the tools to be successful in the ...

Decision-Making: Data and AI

Since the Roundtable on Digital Strategies first discussed big data in 2012, the data explosion has only accelerated. At the same time that enterprise...

Topics:: AI & Machine Learning Big Data / Analytics Future of Work Governance Organizational Structure

Data, Decision-Making and AI

The technologies that underpin modern society (e.g. IoT and sensors, social media) continue to drive a massive increase in data of all shapes and size...

Topics:: AI & Machine Learning Big Data / Analytics Governance Security

Digital Transformation: A Secure Connected Healthcare Ecosystem

The Center for Digital Strategies (CDS) at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and the Owen Graduate School of Management convened a workshop foc...

Topics:: Entrepreneurial Tech Future of Work Products / Services Risk Management Security

Information Risk Management in the Digital Age

Information security dominated the headlines throughout 2017, with debate over the impact of hacking on the US presidential elections and major new da...

Topics:: Big Data / Analytics Future of Work Risk Management Security

A Toolkit for Legacy Retailers to Optimize Their Digital Shopper Engagement

Stephanie Yera T’18, MBA Fellow with the CDS, conducted research designed to help legacy retailers understand the threat from e-commerce players...

Topics:: Big Data / Analytics Cloud Computing Customer eCommerce Platforms Virtual Reality

Autonomous Vehicle and its Value Creation to User Experience

Robin Hwang T’18, MBA Fellow with the CDS, conducted research evaluating adoption of autonomous vehicles and what user experiences are likely to...

Topics:: Customer Entrepreneurial Tech Future of Work

Deep Shift: Fundamental Changes in Enterprise Technology

The Roundtable on Digital Strategies first discussed the impact of technology mega-trends in 2011, as mobile computing, social media, big data and the...

Topics:: Big Data / Analytics Infrastructure Organizational Structure Risk Management

The Changing Workplace, Talent Wars and the Millennial Perspective

Pervasive information-sharing and connectivity are transforming the structure of business, society and work, and with it the nature of the employer-em...

Topics:: Future of Work Organizational Structure Talent & Workforce

Cyber/Information Security in the Digital Age

Threats to enterprise information security are escalating due to a number of factors: increased connectivity with outside vendors; the growing number ...

Topics:: Enterprise IT Risk Management Security

Recommendations for Enterprises

Business model changes enabled by technology are causing disruption across all sectors of the global economy. Established businesses must recognize th...

Topics:: Apps Big Data / Analytics Cloud Computing Culture Customer Organizational Structure Platforms Talent & Workforce Value Chain

Transforming Into a Software Company

Thinking like a software company can help traditional businesses adapt to the change caused by digital disruption and transform into a leading digital...

Topics:: Apps Cloud Computing Culture Customer Organizational Structure Platforms Value Chain


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