Tag Archives: Innovation

Digital Excellence: CG Moving Company

Charlie Gonzalez, CEO, CG Moving Company

Tuck School’s Center for Digital Strategies takes part in several Executive Education programs offered throughout the year, and in a number of l...

Tuck Career Insight Expeditions Kick Off in San Francisco

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

This week, we’ll be providing updates from the Tuck Technology Career Insight Expedition from San Francisco.

Tech Bytes to Know this Week: 7.14.2016

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

PokemonGo’s augmented reality, Facebook’s live video broadcasting & social change, Europe’s innovation divide, and Immigration T...

Tech Bytes to Know this Week: 7.7.2016

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Tesla Autopilot Fatality, South Korea’s IoT Network, and Comcast’s truce in this week’s tech news.

heartstring header crop 2016
Building the Musical Voice For Today’s Story Tellers: Making the Mobile App Heartstring

Pete Mathias, T'17, Founder

Guest Author Pete Mathias, T’16 writes about his start-up business and mobile application: Heartstring.

IoT: The Internet of Things


According to McKinsey Global Institute’s recent report (The Internet of Things: Mapping the Value beyond the Hype), the potential economic impact of...

iOS vs. Android App Development: Where to Debut Your Startup’s App

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

A key question many Discussion on where your new venture should build its smartphone app: iOS or Android. The topic came up with recent Tuck alum and ...

From Walkman to iPod: What Music Tech Teaches Us About Innovation

Ron Adner, Affiliated Faculty

A short history of the songs in our pockets — and how late-comer Apple came to dominate the business of portable music.

Apps and The Wide Lens

Prof M. Eric Johnson, Associate Dean Tuck School of Business

The Wide Lens is a must read for CIOs or for anyone launching a new product or service.

Cloud offers Clear Benefits but the Rate of Adoption is Varied

Torlisa J, T'12

Last week, I attended the Center’s Tech@Tuck conference on cloud computing. The conference allowed us to interact with vendors who leverage the ...

Is the Enterprise Cloud all about Costs?

Manish D, T'12

To an enterprise, the Cloud promises to reduce upfront investments costs required for servers and software licenses, while at the same time enable IT ...


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