Tag Archives: Social

Tech Bytes to Know this Week: 8.3.2016

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Uber’s Global Privatization, PokemonGo bans sex offenders, Slowing of Tablet sales, and Twitter covering the Olympics in this week’s tech ...

Tech Bytes to Know this Week: 7.1.2016

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Walmart transformation, Facebook’s algorithm, Information security challenges, and AI & Chatbots in this week’s tech news.

Tech Bytes to Know this Week: 6.22.2016

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Drones, 5G, Instagram’s 500million users, Anonymous Gay Pride attack on ISIS in this week’s tech news.

12 Tech Trends Shaping Enterprise Information Technology

Hans Brechbuhl, Executive Director

A whole new set of emerging trends are impacting corporate information technology. Here are the major trends impacting corporate IT today.

RE-ENGINEER …. this social impact

Kelli C. Pippin, Communication Manager

The more we explore “The Business of Social” through our Britt Technology Impact Series, the more I realize that the impact of these new t...

Tech@Tuck 2011

Kelli C. Pippin, Communication Manager

Although most of campus is preparing for the long holiday break, my colleagues and I are busy prepping the crown jewel event in our Britt Technology I...


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