Tech Bytes: 02.17.2017

February 17th, 2017

Topics: AI & Machine Learning Apps Big Data / Analytics Communications Future of Work Social Talent & Workforce

Tech Bytes

Traditional Media Outlets Enjoying Period of Strong Growth Thanks to Digital – The NY Times and other so-called “old media” companies are experiencing strong growth, driven mainly by digital subscriptions, the rise of fake news (and the backlash from disillusioned consumers weary of social media, and the Trump Administration’s emphasis on attention and penchant for scandal). The other underlying factor here is that traditional outlets are finally getting serious about resource allocation moving from print to digital media. While print is still king at places like the NY Times and Wall Street Journal, they both have made a significant effort to fund digital initiatives and publishing. Much like marketing departments in large corporations, media outlets are finally putting their efforts into digital and seeing it pay off.

Read More: Old-School Media Is Pulling Way More Viewers Than You Think
Read More: Newspapers Welcome More Digital Subscribers in Time of Fake News
Read More: Record Digital Growth at New York Times
Read More: Traditional Media Firms are Enjoying a Trump Bump


Facebook Targets YouTube and LinkedIn with Two New Enhancements – The social media giant released details of two new initiatives this week. The first is its latest foray into the video ad seeking space with a TV app that will be available on both smart TVs and streaming devices like Apple TV and Amazon Fire TV. Don’t expect it to show up on Google’s Chromecast anytime soon, however, given the direct competition with YouTube.

Facebook also revealed a new strategy to allow employers to list job postings directly on their pages and the accept applications via Facebook Messenger for free. The service directly challenges platforms like LinkedIn who charge users fees on both sides of the job search process. The assumption is Facebook will monetize with ad revenue and deeper engagement on its various platforms. The two key questions about the strategy are 1) will employers adopt the new approach and 2) will job seekers really want to make it easier for potential employers to find their social media accounts? Only time will tell, but it’s a safe bet the sheer size of the audience will be enticing for recruiters who have already been using social media to source applicants.

Read More: Facebook is Making Its Biggest Push Yet to Grab Ad Dollars from TV
Read More: New Ways to Watch Facebook Video
Read More: Facebook is Putting its Videos Directly on Your TV
Read More: Facebook is Rolling Out Job Postings and Applications
Read More: Facebook’s New Job Opening Posts Poach Business from LinkedIn


Congressional Leaders Split on Path Forward for Self-Driving Vehicles – While the Senate committee with jurisdiction over self-driving vehicles pushed to aid innovation into the new technology, the corresponding House committee expressed skepticism, primarily over safety issues in hearings and actions taken this week on Capitol Hill. The role Congressional leaders (and regulators) will play in the development of self-driving technologies is critical and should be designed to avoid the limitations placed on drone development that pushed companies like Amazon to move their innovation overseas. If the US wants to remain a leader in the digital innovation space, it has to support, not hinder, the development of self-driving vehicles.

Read More: Thune and Peters Announce Joint Effort on Self-Driving Vehicles
Read More: Congress Could Make Self-Driving Cars Happen—or Ruin Everything
Read More: The Simple Question About Self-Driving Cars We Still Can’t Answer
Read More: The Key Question for Self-Driving Car Regulators: How Safe is Safe Enough?


Coursera Innovates Its Search Function to Tackle the Growing US Skill Gap – One issue facing many US corporations is the growing skills gap as technology advances and retraining workers becomes difficult for learning and development departments. Coursera is attempting to offer a solution by improving its search function to focus on skills acquired in a course, not just the title. The application of machine learning to its courses allows the MOOC platform to better align its courses to the skills desired by students. The hope is that Coursera wins by offering more relevant content and better engaging its customers. We’ll see if the move pays off, but it certainly enables new opportunities in a cost-effective opens new cost-effective options for managers in need of skills development by their teams.

Read More: Find the Right Course Faster: Search by Skill
Read More: Coursera’s New Strategy Takes Inspiration From Netflix—and LinkedIn
Read More: Coursera’s New Skill Search Could Do for Learning What Netflix Did for TV
Read More: The Biggest Economic Issue Facing America is Not Job Creation


Featured CXOTalk Video of the Week:  AI: Legal, Ethical, and Policy Challenges

Artificial intelligence is fraught with legal, ethical, and public policy challenges. This episode brings two esteemed experts to discuss these issues and present guidance for both commercial companies and the public sector policymakers.

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