Topic: Big Data / Analytics

Challenges and Breakthroughs in Health IT Security – Scott Breece CISO, Community Health Systems

Scott Breece, VP and CISO of Community Health Systems, discusses the rising security threat in healthcare with M. Eric Johnson, Dean of Vanderbilt Uni...

Navigating Between Disruption and Hype

Emerging technologies can reinvent the nature of work, create powerful new business models, and change companies’ relationships with customers. But ...

McNamee Praises Apple’s Privacy Standards

October 2018

Fireside Chat: Brian Halligan, Co-founder and CEO of HubSpot

Brian Halligan Co-Founder and CEO HubSpot HubSpot Co-founder and CEO, Brian Halligan, will be on campus to visit Geoff Parker’s Platforms class on M...

Decision-Making: Data and AI

Since the Roundtable on Digital Strategies first discussed big data in 2012, the data explosion has only accelerated. At the same time that enterprise...

Data, Decision-Making and AI

The technologies that underpin modern society (e.g. IoT and sensors, social media) continue to drive a massive increase in data of all shapes and size...

Future of Encryption in the Quantum Computing Age with Vrashank Jain T’18

Should companies be reliant on encryption to protect data and worry about quantum computing breaking that encryption? That was the question asked by ...

Building A Digital Toolkit for Legacy Retailers with Stephanie Yera T’18

How should legacy retailers compete in the Age of Amazon? What capabilities should they prioritize to not only survive, but also to thrive when compet...

Roger McNamee T’82 Says Data is the New Oil

July 2018

Affiliated Faculty, Eric Johnson, Talks with Sherry Ryan at CISO Workshop

Sherry Ryan, Vice President & CISO of Juniper Networks, discusses emerging security challenges with M. Eric Johnson, Dean of Vanderbilt University...

CISO Workshop Overview – The MBA Student Perspective

Jenna Romeo T'19, Molly Tyler T'19, MBA Fellows

In March, the Center for Digital Strategies (CDS) at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and the Owen Graduate School of Management convened a wo...

Information Risk Management in the Digital Age

Information security dominated the headlines throughout 2017, with debate over the impact of hacking on the US presidential elections and major new da...

A Toolkit for Legacy Retailers to Optimize Their Digital Shopper Engagement

Stephanie Yera T’18, MBA Fellow with the CDS, conducted research designed to help legacy retailers understand the threat from e-commerce players...

Center Co-Founder Speaks on Facebook User Behavior

March 2018

People Analytics: Talent Management in the Age of Data

Digital technologies are disrupting every sector of the economy and redefining whole industries. The need for finding and retaining critical talent ha...

Babylon Video: Product Design and Expansion in the Online Video Industry

Babylon Video: Product Design and Expansion in the Online Video Industry Professor Alva Taylor, Geoff Mattei (T’12 and Alumni Fellow of the Center f...

Attivio: Machine Learning for Strategic Insights

Attivio: Machine Learning for Strategic Insights Professor Alva Taylor, Stephen Baker (CEO, Attivio) and Michael Hanley (T’19 and MBA Associate of t...

Lunch and Learn with Matt Marolda T’02

About Matt Marolda T’02 Matthew Marolda is Chief Analytics Officer at Legendary Entertainment.  He formed and runs Legendary’s Applied Analytics...

Intel, Innovation, and the Olympics | You Should Listen To This

Oliver Engelhart D'18, Marketing and Research Intern

This is a golden age of technological development, we are driving a third wave of digitization, and we are building emerging technologies for mass ava...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: February 15

Patrick Wheeler, Assistant Director

Malware Attacks Hits Olympic Games in South Korea This year’s Winter Olympic Games are a spectacle of technology. Earlier this week we reviewed the ...

Lunch and Learn with Stephen Baker

About Attivio: Attivio is the leading cognitive search & insight company. Our Fortune 500 clients rely on us to drive innovation, operational effi...

The Ripple Effect on Cryptocurrency

Eric Van Miltenburg VP of Business Operations Ripple Today the world sends more than $155 trillion across borders. Yet, the underlying infrastructure ...

Lunch and Learn with Stuart Cornew T’84

Stuart’s experience and history with data is long and varied, including helping to author the original Netflix recommendation engine and advising th...

Mining Your Own Business – Data Mining and Predictive Analytics

Gerhard Pilcher CEO Elder Research Join the CDS in welcoming Elder Research CEO, Gerhard Pilcher, to Tuck for a talk on data science and data mining. ...


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