Balancing Innovation and Operations: Second Generation Enterprise Mobility

Topics: Enterprise IT Products / Services

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Thomas Sammer, Hans Brechbühl, Andrea Back

Journal of Management Systems, Volume 24, Number 3, 2014

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Balancing Innovation and Operations: Opportunities and challenges of second generation enterprise mobility.

A new generation of mobile IT is driving new thinking and innovation in most areas of organizations and is challenging corporate IT. From a “computing” perspective, this second-generation enterprise mobility (SGEM), such as smartphones and media tablets, enables pervasiveness, much more intuitive computing, and contextual intelligence. This changes what can be done with IT in enterprises and creates new challenges for IT departments.

Based on three group interviews and twelve individual interviews including data from 31 corporations, we explore how corporations are responding to SGEM. Based on this data, we derive three opportunities and four challenges. The synthesis of the results reveals that SGEM has changed employee expectations for professional IT and led to fundamental issues concerning the role and objectives of corporate IT departments. The results contribute to a more holistic picture of corporate usage of SGEM and illustrate how the new perception of IT is challenging common practice.

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