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Transforming Evernote in the Era of Customer Centricity with Chris O’Neill, Evernote

Topics: Apps Big Data / Analytics Cloud Computing Culture Customer Mobile Talent & Workforce

Watch the Britt Technology Impact Series lecture by Evernote CEO, Chris O’Neill T01. In this session, Chris shares  with the audience what he’s learned about design, business models, customer experience, and corporate culture since taking over as CEO of Evernote.

chrisoneillChris O’Neill is a technology industry leader with decades of experience building and growing successful products, brands and teams. Currently CEO of Evernote, he is tackling the challenge of turning a beloved globally recognized brand into a productivity powerhouse beyond its already sizeable 200M member base. As a leader, Chris draws on his experiences growing up in small-town Canada as a hockey-playing middling student, and strategizing his way to become one of Silicon Valley’s most sought-after leaders. An enthusiastic team builder, athlete, angel investor, husband and father, Chris loves Evernote for how it helps people like him organize his broad-ranging intellectual, business and personal pursuits, and focus on what matters most.

View his Tuck Today article here: Productivity Redefined

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