Annual Report 2013-14

Letter from the Directors

Programs and Events
Roundtable on Digital Strategies
Executive Education
Britt Technology Impact Series, Tech@Tuck and Related Events

Research and Publications
Academic Publications
Executive Publications

MBA Program Enrichment
MBA Fellows Program
MBA Fellows Projects
Visiting Executives and Academics

External Outreach
RadioTuck, Digital Assets and Social Media
Center Blog
Participants in Roundtable on Digital Strategies
Executive Fellows

Public Relations
Media Mentions


Letter from the Directors

Dear Stakeholder,

The 2013/14 academic year was a time of change and growth for the center. We welcomed a new Faculty Director, Alva Taylor, and a new Program Manager, Patrick Wheeler, while continuing to run our events, engage with the student body and maintain a strong level of conversation and collaboration with executives. In this report, we outline our key achievements within all three of our mission areas: Scholarly Research, Executive Dialogue and MBA Program Enrichment.

Alva authored two manuscripts. The first, with Lynn Foster-Johnson Director of Dartmouth’s Institutional Research, showed how senior management attention directed at innovation activity can be a detriment in situations where the options are well understood.  The second, with Christian Stadler of the Warwick Business Business, used videogame development data to illustrate that companies that have deep content knowledge, and experience in addressing small changes in technology did better when faced with significant technology platform changes. A post-doc researcher Jaclyn Selby, from the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism, was hired and will be joining the center in August.

We had the privilege of hosting Thomas Sammer, at the time a doctoral student from the Institute of Information Management at the University of St. Gallen at Tuck for some part of the year, and he and Hans co-authored a paper on mobile in the enterprise that was presented and published in the proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems. Our large library of case studies received many requests for reprints for use in classrooms and Hans and Thomas also co-authored a new case study, “Employing Consumer IT in Operations,” which was published by the University of St. Gallen and the European Case Centre.

In this, its 12th year of existence, the Roundtable on Digital Strategies enjoyed another successful series of four roundtables. CIOs and their executive partners considered the connected value chain, the internet of things, rethinking cyber/information security and IT-enable products and services.  The center was especially pleased to welcome the IFRC and Swarovski as new members of the European Chapter of the Roundtable on Digital Strategies.

The center was pleased to host Geir Ramleth, former CIO of Bechtel and Founder of GeirHeads, as an Executive in Residence this year. Geir spoke in an MBA class, held office hours with students and collaborated with the center team during his visit.

The Britt Technology Impact Series at Tuck looked at the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) in a series titled, “The Internet of You: Better Living through Connectivity.” The series explored how the internet is expanding from a network of connected PCs to a far broader array of devices that enable highly personalized interactions with technology. We welcomed guests from UnitedHeathcare, Buxton, Forrester, WiserTogether, AnswerMine and INEX Advisors, among others. Please visit us later this summer for the complete overview of our learnings from the series.

We also began a new effort to connect our MBA fellows directly with executives in an intimate, digital, and confidential setting. We welcomed Aviate and Nest Labs to our first Digital Drop-Ins and look forward to continuing the series next year.

The center’s steady-string of events, blog entries and press hits created a wealth of content for our website, driving website visits and downloads. This activity also enabled our digital communities to continue to grow and thrive on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, myTUCK, Facebook and Google+.  This year also marked our first Twitter sweepstakes, which generated over 450 tweets and we invested in responsive design for our website, allowing it to reproduce well on all devices.

We must thank M. Eric Johnson, our former faculty director and the current Dean at Owen Graduate School of Management, for his lasting impact on our center and for staying involved with our efforts even today. We would also like to thank our former Program Manager, Tim Paradis, who took us through deep-dives into social, big data and cloud computing.

With great sadness, respect and gratitude, we honor Tuck and Dartmouth alumnus Glenn Britt –our BTIS founder, a cable industry pioneer and our friend. Glenn will be greatly missed by all of us at the center and by everyone who knew him.

We look forward to another productive year of research, executive dialogue and MBA program enrichment and invite you to read our Annual Report below for details on events, people, publications, research, press and our achievements over this last academic year.

Alva Taylor                 Hans Brechbühl
Faculty Director        Executive Director

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Programs and Events

Corporate Roundtables
This year, the center organized four corporate roundtables for the Roundtable on Digital Strategies series. Each roundtable consisted of 15-20 CIOs and functional VPs from Fortune 500 companies and 2-3 senior academics engaged in a day-long moderated roundtable discussion. Together they shared perspectives on a specific business issue, wrestled with concerns common across sectors, and worked to identify digital strategies that create and sustain competitive advantage. Event summaries and/or content overviews are available for each roundtable at the links below:

Rethinking Cyber/Information Security
June 10, 2014 • Reston, VA • Hosted by Bechtel

IOT and IT-Enabled Products and Services
April 2, 2014 • Zurich, Switzerland • Hosted by ABB

The Internet of Things: Opportunities and Challenges of Interconnectedness
February 20, 2014 • Irvine, CA • Hosted by Yum! Brands & Taco Bell

The Connected Value Chain
October 23, 2013 • New York, NY • Hosted by Time Warner Cable

CISO Executive Workshops
Again this year, the center organized another CISO Workshop. The workshop consisted of 15-20 CIOs and functional VPs from Fortune 500 companies and 2-3 senior academics engaged in a day-long moderated roundtable discussion. Together they shared perspectives on a specific business issue, wrestled with concerns common across sectors, and worked to identify digital strategies that create and sustain competitive advantage.

Information Security Organization and Governance
July 2, 2013 • Kartause Ittingen • Warth, Switzerland

Executive Education
Global Leadership 2030 Consortium
April 10, 2014  • Tuck Campus • Hanover, NH • USA
Professor Taylor taught a webinar in Tuck Executive Education’s Global Leadership 2030 Consortium titled, Technology: Friend (and Foe?) to Global Corporate Strategy. This is a consortium of non-competing companies that seek to prepare their high-potential executives for transnational leadership assignments.

Britt Technology Impact Series (BTIS)
The BTIS is a center-sponsored offering that hosts leading experts to discuss new technologies, innovations and trends. In addition to Tech@Tuck, this year the center held eight events at Tuck focused on the business applications and implications of the internet of things (connecting the physical world to the digital world.) Select individual events to experience video interviews, panel highlights and event photos or learn more about the overall program here. This series is sponsored by a generous donation from Time Warner Cable’s Chairman and CEO, Glenn Britt.

IoT: Grand Challenges Before Small Conveniences
May 13, 2014 • Rosenwald Classroom • Tuck School of Business
Chris Rezendes, Founder and President of INEX ADVISORS, LLC, visited Tuck to speak about the potential of Machine-to-Machine (MTM) and the Internet of Things (IoT.)

Digital Drop-In: Aviate
May 9, 2014 • Tuck School of Business
This event was for T’14 and T’15 center fellows only.

War Stories: Big Banks, Big Data & the Internet of Things
April 29, 2014 • Tuck School of Business
Stuart Cornew is the co-founder of AnswerMine Group LLC, a data-mining and consulting technology company specializing in building forecasting and segmentation models for successful application across a myriad of industry segments. He visited Tuck to share IoT war stories gained over years over working with data, IoT and the financial services industry.

Digital Drop-In: Nest Labs
April 10, 2014 • Tuck School of Business
Jonathan Crimins, Partner Development Manager at Nest Labs, video conferenced with Center MBA Fellows.

Tech Triage: Health Care’s New Network
April 7, 2014 • Tuck School of Business
Our exploration of the collision of technology and health focused on how the emergence of new technologies such as personal genetic testing, wearable health and fitness devices, automated health monitoring, decision support services, and Big Data analytics will change the face of medicine as we know it. We welcomed Unitedhealthcare’s Chief Product, Marketing and Innovation Officer, Yasmine Winkler, athenahealth’s Lindsey Baron and Founder/CEO of WiserTogether, Shub Debgupta to Tuck to discuss the implications of these technologies.

The Internet of You: The Connected Home
February 13, 2014 • Tuck School of Business
At this year’s Tech@Tuck, panelists from Time Warner Cable, iControl and EnergyHub explored the technology driving the connected home and the implications of connecting all aspects of our home lives.

DOT.COMA: The Digital Downside to Knowing Your Customer
October 10, 2013 • Tuck School of Business
As Buxton’s vice president of marketing and business development, Chris Briggs oversees marketing and business intelligence efforts and gives direction on the company’s overall growth strategy. Chris spoke about challenges in the networked economy.

Technologists at the Gate: How Smart Devices are Taking Over the Enterprise
September 25, 2013 • Tuck School of Business
Christopher Mines, SVP of Business Technology Futures at Forrester Research Inc. is a member of Forrester’s Business Technology Futures team, which serves CIOs and their business partners by predicting the long-term business impact of information technology. He visited Tuck to discuss the explosion of IP-enabled products and services in the enterprise.

Tech@Tuck is a center-sponsored annual event for Tuck and the greater Dartmouth community that highlights digital technologies and their personal or business implications. This year’s Tech@Tuck event focused on the advent and explosion of big data with visitors from Bluefly, Facebook, Caesars Entertainment, Nordstrom, MasterCard Advisors and Quidsi (an Amazon Company.)

GeirHeads Technology Conference
The Technology Club at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, in partnership with the center, convened the GeirHeads Technology Conference on Friday, November 1st. The Conference was an opportunity for an open dialogue between students, professors and industry experts from Nifti, ConstantContact, Grability, Deloitte Digital and SAP. The center would like to thank our friend and colleague, Geir Ramleth of GeirHeads, for his generous support of this conference.

A Private Conversation with Roger McNamee T’82
The center’s co-founder came to Hanover and spoke in a private room with the Tuck community on careers and investment opportunities in today’s sharing economy.

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Research and Publications

Academic Publications
The center and its affiliated faculty and fellows have made a material contribution to the publication of the following academic papers or publications this year:

The New Enterprise Mobility: Seizing the Opportunities and Challenges in Corporate Mobile IT
Thomas Sammer, Hans Brechbühl, Andrea Back
AMCIS, August 2013

Institutionalizing HIPAA Compliance Organizations and Competing Logics in U.S. Health Care
Ajit Appari, Denise L. Anthony Ph.D , M. Eric Johnson
Journal of Health and Social Behavior, March 2014

Executive Publications
The center and its faculty and fellows wrote or edited the following articles published for the executive audience in the past year:

The Internet of Things: The Opportunities and Challenges of Interconnectedness
Roundtable on Digital Strategies Publication

Information Security Organization and Governance
CISO Information Security Workshop Publication



MBA Program Enrichment

MBA Fellows Program
The center offers this program for second-year students interested in digital technology and its broad impact on business today. Fellows have unique networking opportunities with the center’s visitors including executives visiting a number of technology related classes; gain a greater understanding of the issues of digital strategies by working with center faculty and events; and are able to do independent research or write a case in an area of interest to the student. This year’s fellows participated in the following ways:
Guilherme Beyer Tho: RadioTuck interview, independent research project
Sprague Brodie: RadioTuck interview, Roundtable attendee, independent research project
Jessica Calhoun: RadioTuck interview, independent research project
Tirthankar Deb: RadioTuck interviews, independent research project
Adam Kramer: RadioTuck interview, independent research project
Mandakini Saroop: RadioTuck interview, blog entry, independent research project
Samer Sayigh: RadioTuck interview, independent research project
Alman Shibli: RadioTuck interview, independent research project
Jeff Wannop: RadioTuck interview, independent research project
MBA Fellows Projects
As part of being a CDS Fellow, MBA Fellows are required to engage in a project on a topic relevant to the center. Their project presentations are below and their video presentations are available on our YouTube Channel.

The Age of Context, Guilherme Beyer Tho T’14
Navigating the Digital Seas; Content Discovery in the Information Age, Sprague Brodie T’14
Will the Mobile Phone ever Overtake the Wallet? Jessica Calhoun T’14
Mobile Payments: How Near is the Cashless Future? Tirthankar Deb T’14
APIs: The Glue that makes the Internet Awesome! Adam Kramer T’14
Securing the Internet of Things, Mandakini Saroop T’14
The Future of Digital Advertising, Samer Sayigh T’14
Personal Analytics, Alman Shibli T’14
The Internet of You, Jeffrey Wannop T’14
Visiting Executives and Academics
As part of its efforts to enrich the MBA program, the center invites and hosts executives and academics in conjunction with the professors teaching center-affiliated courses or for other Tuck events. This year we hosted the following visitors for a variety of events:

  • Lindsey Baron, Senior Manager of Product Operations, athenahealth
  • Chris Briggs, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development, Buxton
  • Tom Chmielewski. Vice President, Strategic Sales, iControl Networks, Inc.
  • Stuart Cornew T’84. Co-founder, AnswerMine Group LLC
  • Jonathan Crimins, Partner Development Manager at Nest Labs
  • Mark Daiss, Co-founder, Aviate
  • Shub Debgupta, Founder and CEO, WiserTogether
  • Seth Frader-Thompson, President, EnergyHub
  • Adam Mayer, Vice President, IntelligentHome, Time Warner Cable
  • Roger McNamee T’82, Co-Founder, Elevation Partners
  • Christopher Mines, SVP, Business Technology Futures, Forrester Research Inc.
  • Geir Ramleth, former CIO, Bechtel
  • Chris Rezendes, Founder and President, INEX Advisors, LLC
  • Scott Wallace, Visiting Professor of Family and Community Medicine, The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
  • Yasmine Winkler, Chief Marketing, Product and Innovation Officer, UnitedHealthcare

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External Outreach

RadioTuck, Digital Assets & Social Media
RadioTuck is an original interview series sponsored by the center and focused on the impact of digital technologies on the corporation of today. Interviews are available on our website as podcasts and, in video on our YouTube channel. The center launched our second iBook this year – summarizing the BTIS findings on big dataand the center manages three mobile apps: 2 for BTIS events and one for the iPad which showcases our long -form content. The urls for these sites, our digital assets and social media communities are provided below.

RadioTuck: online and in iTunes
iPad Content App: iTunes
The BTIS Mobile App: for Apple and for Android
iBook: Information Overload: Capitalizing on Big Data
Twitter: 1062 Followers
YouTube: 13,043 Views; 49,323 Minutes Watched; 237 Subscribers
Facebook:  332 Likes
LinkedIn:  BESP Group 45 Members, Fellow Alumni 100 Members
Google+:  45 Followers
myTUCK: 39 Members
The Center Blog: 12 posts

Participants in Roundtables on Digital Strategies
The center has engaged the following Fortune 1,000 executives and top academics in a substantive way at its roundtables this year:

  • Javier Benito, Chief Strategy Officer, YUM! Brands
  • Tom Black, VP, IT, Enterprise Information Management, Eaton Corporation
  • Bill Blausey, Senior VP and CIO, Eaton Corporation
  • Hans Bohnen, BU Masterbatches, Clariant International Ltd.
  • Daniel Bösch Head of Product Marketing Functional Accessories, D. Swarovski AG
  • Bill Braun, CIO, Chevron Upstream and Gas
  • Max Braun, CIO, D. Swarovski AG
  • Chris Faw, Senior VP of Operations, Time Warner Cable Media
  • Greg Fancher, CIO, Taco Bell Inc.
  • John Gallant, Senior, VP and Chief Content Officer,  IDG Enterprise
  • Koan Gillman, Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer, Time Warner Cable Media
  • T.J. Graven, VP and CIO, Brown-Forman
  • Edward G. Happ, CIO, Head of ISD, IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)
  • Peter Harris, Group Marketing Communications, Volkswagen AG
  • Mike Hayashi, Executive VP, Architecture, Development and Engineering, Time Warner Cable
  • Lynn Hemans, Director – Industry & Competitive Insights, Taco Bell Corp.
  • Martin Hofmann, Group CIO. Volkswagen AG
  • Khushnud Irani, CIO, Holcim Group Support Ltd.
  • Jean-Louis Keraudren, Corporate Head of Direct Marketing – Big Data, Hilti AG
  • Mark Lange, IT and Enterprise Venture Advisor, Anthro|Capital LLC
  • Volker Laska, CIO, Clariant International Ltd
  • Michael J. Lewis, Senior VP, Corporate Manager of Construction, Bechtel
  • Jan-Åke Ljungqvist ,Global Director and Project Manager IT-OT Integration, Tetra Pak
  • Brad Lowe, Commercial Director, USA, Tenaris
  • Greg Newbern, VP, Supply Chain Integration, Brown-Forman
  • Dickie Oliver, VP, YUM Global IT, YUM! Brands, Inc.
  • Ajay Padhye, Director, Global Information Management, Tetra Pak
  • Michael Palmer, Head of Innovation, Aetna
  • Carlos Pappier, CIO, Tenaris
  • Pavan C. Pattada, Senior VP, Supply Chain Management, Eaton Corporation
  • Martin Petry, CIO, Hilti
  • Doug Porter, Head of Service Operations, Aetna
  • Geir Ramleth, Owner, GeirHeads
  • Christian Reilly, Manager of EPC Systems, Bechtel Corporation
  • Christopher Rezendes, Founder and President, INEX Advisors, LLC
  • Claes Rytoft, Chief Technology Officer, ABB Technology Ltd.
  • Chris Satchell, Consumer Technology Officer and VP, Nike, Inc.
  • Martin Schröder, Head of Global IT Process Competence Centers, Hilti
  • Ernesto Schroeder, Executive Director of Supply Chain Integration, North America, Tetra Pak
  • Patrick Stapfer, CEO Central Eastern Europe, Holcim Group
  • Andy Tidd, CIO, ABB Ltd.
  • Per-Åke Tobiasson, Head of Global Process Office, Tetra Pak
  • Andreas Wagner, IT Process Consultant, Hilti AG
  • Thomas Wildi, Head of Architecture, Strategy & Innovation, Nestlé GLOBE
  • Matthew Zelesko, Senior VP, Converged Technology Group, Time Warner Cable
  • Scott Zimmerman, Manager of Enterprise Systems, Bechtel Corporation

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Executive Fellows
This was our seventh year working with executive fellows. We welcome the opportunity to be affiliated with the following thoughtful executives who share common interests and are engaged with the work of the center:

Edward G. Happ, Global CIO of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Chairman of NetHope
Adam Golodner, Director, Global Security and Technology Policy, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Sam Kinney, Founder, General Partner, Firehole Partners, L.P.
Blair LaCorte, Operating Partner, Texas Pacific Group
Mark Lange, CEO, TipMarks Inc.
Dave Margulius, Analyst and Consultant, Enterprise Insight
John Marshall, Partner, Bridgespan Group
Steve Plume, Marketing Director, Dell
Geir Ramleth, Former CIO, Bechtel

Media Mentions
The center’s leadership has been quoted or the center has been mentioned in a number of articles in the public media over the course of the past year.

Tuck School of Business: “We’re Pretty Happy People Here!”
Poets & Quants / April 2014

Tech Triage: Health Care’s New Network
Tuck News / April 2014

The Home of Tomorrow, Today
Tuck News / February 2014

Tuck Students Participate in World Premier of Big Data Simulation
Tuck News / January 2014

E Ink Looks Beyond E-Readers
MIT Technology Review / November 2013

2013 CIO 100: The Winners
CIO Magazine / August 2013

2013 CIO 100: The Judges
CIO Magazine / August 2013

Alva Taylor Named Faculty Director of Center for Digital Strategies
Tuck News / July 2013

Secure Software Trends in Healthcare
Microsoft / July 2013

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