Tag Archives: Facebook

Tech Bytes to Know this Week: 7.14.2016

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

PokemonGo’s augmented reality, Facebook’s live video broadcasting & social change, Europe’s innovation divide, and Immigration T...

Tech Bytes to Know this Week: 7.1.2016

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Walmart transformation, Facebook’s algorithm, Information security challenges, and AI & Chatbots in this week’s tech news.

The Senate’s Request of Facebook is Reactionary, Not Principled

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Facebook Faces Questioning Over Alleged Bias Against Conservatives in its ‘Trending Topics’ Section.

On-Line Health Information

Prof M. Eric Johnson, Associate Dean Tuck School of Business

Here is an amazing statistic …96 percent of almost 23,000 consumers surveyed said they use Facebook; that’s right, Facebook; to find infor...

Reflections on Roger McNamee’s visit

Prof M. Eric Johnson, Associate Dean Tuck School of Business

It is so satisfying to introduce your friends to someone you know they will love. That is how I felt last week hosting Roger McNamee as part of Tuck&...

All Content – All Places

Kelli C. Pippin, Communication Manager

Someone recently asked me why we use twitter and youtube and facebook and podcasts and mobile apps and linkedin…

RE-ENGINEER …. this social impact

Kelli C. Pippin, Communication Manager

The more we explore “The Business of Social” through our Britt Technology Impact Series, the more I realize that the impact of these new t...

Social and the Enterprise

Sara R., T'12

Next week Thursday (January 13th) is Tech@Tuck, an annual part of the Britt Technology Impact Series and a day for the Tuck community to talk about wh...

Customer Engagement in the New Social World

Elissa K., T'11

This coming Tuesday, as part of the Britt Technology Impact Series, the Center for Digital Strategies at Tuck will host a panel entitled “Customer E...


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