The Past, Present and Future of AI in Marketing

January 23rd, 2017

Topics: AI & Machine Learning Robotics

This month, I came across an article in the January 2017 issue of Marketing News magazine, The Past, Present and Future of AI in Marketing.

This is a great look at how Artificial Intelligence has been and can be applied to Marketing.  The article mostly talks about Business-to-Consumer marketing, but B2C digital trends often show up in B2B transactions a little while later.

3 points I found particularly interesting:

  1. A quote from Doug Dome, who has been studying data been studying data’s impact on marketing for 30 years. “AI is the goal.  AI is the planet we are headed to.   Machine Learning is the rocket.   And Big Data is the fuel.”
  2. Apple is experimenting with using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to do “predictive delivery,” where they send consumers products before they order them on their own.
  3. The company Narrative Science is using Writer Robots:  “When you have 20,000 customers you want to communicate with as if you know them very well and … communicate something relative to them – something they care about … [Writer Robots using AI] can enable them to get to that level of personalization at a scale that wouldn’t be possible with people.”

Don Castle, Executive Fellow at the Center for Digital Strategies, is a partner in the consulting firm New Madison Ave, where he specializes in advising CEO’s and boards of directors on opportunities and risks presented by Digital Technologies, and in helping chief marketing officers to use data to enhance brand strength and revenue.
Previously, Don held CIO positions at Johnson & Johnson, first for Ethicon, Inc. a manufacturer of surgical devices, then as Group CIO for J&J’s six global medical device companies.  He also was CIO, then President of the Life Science Services at SGS North America, and CIO for Nabisco International.

Don has run one business-to-business startup, and served as advisor to another startup in Healthcare IT. He serves on the board of the nonprofit Inroads NY/NJ.  Don has a bachelor degree from Dartmouth, and an MBA from The Tuck School.

Follow Don on Twitter @dwcastle

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