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The Future of China, Technology, and Innovation | A Discussion with Larry Weber

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For years, the world has watched as China’s influence in technology and innovation have proliferated, yielding massive gains in annual GDP and economic might.

But in a rapidly changing world and a global pandemic, what does the future hold for China in terms of technology and innovation?

Listen to Larry Weber, Chairman and CEO of Racepoint Global, and an expert on Chinese innovation discuss how U.S. and China politics is impacting the future of global technology and the future of innovation – and could set in motion a “decoupling” that would have a significant effect on the global supply chain, impacting hundreds of U.S. businesses and tens of thousands of American jobs.

Larry Weber is a globally known expert of public relations and marketing services who founded multiple successful public relations and interactive marketing agencies, authored six forward-thinking marketing books and co-founded the largest interactive advocacy organization in the world.

A pioneer of early digital technology, Larry was the first PR executive to understand the grand scale at which the internet could transform the business community. Working directly with Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the modern internet, Larry and his team were responsible for the first marketing campaign that brought the world wide web to the masses.

Larry’s view of Authentic Marketing is informed from decades of PR and marketing work with some of the world’s largest brands, including AT&T, Boston Scientific, Coca-Cola, General Electric, General Motors, Huawei, IBM, John Deere, Kaiser Permanente, Microsoft, Parametric Technologies, the Pittsburgh Steelers, Panasonic, SAP and Verizon Wireless. He has served as a senior advisor to governments including the Kingdom of Jordan and the Republic of Rwanda.

Author of six business and marketing books, his latest release Authentic Marketing: How to Capture Hearts and Minds through the Power of Purpose posits that today, all companies need to find their moral purpose and infuse this mission into their core business strategy.

About Racepoint Global: Racepoint Global is an independent communications agency specializing in driving conversations that matter for innovative brands. Founded by renowned public relations and marketing thought-leader Larry Weber, companies partner with Racepoint for its strategic, earned-first approach to building brands and reputation.

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