Digital Excellence: Small Pond Video Productions

February 5th, 2018

Topics: Entrepreneurial Tech Marketing / Sales

Tuck School’s Center for Digital Strategies takes part in several Executive Education programs offered throughout the year, and in a number of locations. The “Digital Excellence Program“, offered in partnership with Google, was first offered in June 2015 and is geared towards the Minority Entrepreneur. The goal of this program is to provide participants with the tools needed to bring their digital marketing and communication skills to the next level. Sessions vary in topic from Google Analytics, to AdWords, to business leadership skills.

The President and CEO of Small Pond Video Productions, Silvana Rosero, gave us a bit of time to talk about her Tuck experience, and the digital strategy impact of the program.

How does the use of digital technology or strategy help enhance your business?

Digital technology and strategy are an everyday necessity in our business and one of the three verticals of our business – Video Production, Event Production, Digital Strategy.  The Digital Excellence Program has helped us expand the use of multiple digital strategy tactics, allowing us to be more effective in amplifying our client’s message. One of our clients, a telecom company approached us with a specific task of handling their social media.  Our strategic approach, further fine-tuned by the DEP Program, allowed us to create a framework for this client to not only look at the social media aspect of their digital efforts, but the overall Search Engine Marketing.  After 4 months of focused work our client shows exponential growth in social media reach and engagement, we launched a very robust new website and more importantly, they started 2018 with a stellar performance in sales. We are looking forward to continuing providing them with valuable data coming from our digital efforts to further support their growth strategy.

What was a key takeaway for you at the Digital Excellence Program that has helped your business?

Encouraging a digital mindset has been key to create a synergy in the creative and strategic work we do for our clients.  The ability to utilize multiple digital tools is a reminder that we can ask our clients to dream of their business in the future and utilize technology to make many things happen…today!  Additionally, we have started to incorporate these same tools in our own business.  Having Google’s help in understanding the depth and power of their analytics and other tools have helped us to provide a more in-depth support to our internal team.

If you have employees, are there any specific digital or tech policies that have helped create a positive internal culture for your team?

Our participation in the DEP has sparked an even more intense drive in our team to utilize every digital tool at their disposal and has allowed us to have a much-needed bridge with Google team members.

What has been one big surprise around the impact or influence of digital on your company?

Having digital as a pillar of our business has helped evolve into the next chapter of our 15-year history in business.  Small Pond Video Productions is being re-launched in the Spring of 2018 as Laguna Media Group.  We knew there was a need for a better integration of our digital side with the creative assets production, but we did not expect the great response we have been experiencing.

One awesome fact about you or your company.

Small Pond has a history of embracing leading-edge technologies.  Its founder spearheaded the very first world HD broadcast in history at the Barcelona Olympic Games.  Our business was created to bring to smaller businesses the same high-end technology that could only be afforded by giant companies.  After a decade and a half in business, we have come full circle expanding our reach and creating a positive impact in large corporations, public sector agencies, and businesses of all sizes.

Executive Bio
Silvana Rosero
President & CEO, Small Pond Video Productions

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