Trust, Security & Privacy

Trust, security, and privacy are business imperatives in the digital age and form the foundation on which all businesses are built. Without trust, security, or privacy, organizations fail. Digital leaders understand this and understand how to build and manage their business with trust, security, and privacy in mind.

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Brand Marketing for Mobile Games

The mobile gaming industry generated an estimated $77.2B of revenue in 2020, and is estimated to surpass the $100B mark by 2023. Interest in mobile g...

Deepfakes: Detection and Prevention in the Era of “Fake News”

What are deepfakes? What can companies and their leadership teams do to prepare themselves for a future where deepfake technology is so accessible and...

Combatting Algorithmic Bias in Recruiting: The Pursuit of Equitable and Transparent Machine Learning in Human Resources

Combatting algorithmic bias in hiring serves multiple purposes beyond the intrinsic value of pursuing fairness in the hiring process. In addition to...

Pillars of Trust: Methods for Managers to Avoid Losing Trust in the Digital Age

In today’s business environment, breaches of trust are questions of when, not if. Every business model and each business decision contain some ri...

Digital Transformation: A Secure Connected Healthcare Ecosystem

The Center for Digital Strategies (CDS) at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and the Owen Graduate School of Management convened a workshop foc...

Information Risk Management in the Digital Age

Information security dominated the headlines throughout 2017, with debate over the impact of hacking on the US presidential elections and major new da...

Cyber/Information Security in the Digital Age

Threats to enterprise information security are escalating due to a number of factors: increased connectivity with outside vendors; the growing number ...

10 Organizational Cybersecurity Imperatives

by Hans Brechbühl In recent years, the Center for Digital Strategies has been fortunate to observe and interact with the efforts of a number of large...


Elevating Privacy ad a Fundamental Human Right

Microsoft Corporate VP, Dep. General Counsel of Global Privacy and Regulatory Affairs, and Chief Privacy Officer, Julie Brill, discusses the importance of privacy in the digital age and the role of large technology firms in elevating privacy as a human right

Managing Enterprise Risk

The European Chapter of the Roundtable on Digital Strategies convened to share experiences and strategies for identifying, managing and mitigating ent...

Hospitals Should Not Adopt New Healthcare IT Program Too Quickly

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid recently announced that Electronic Health Record incentive payments skipped past $6 billion, with over 122,000 p...

Cybersecurity: Risks, Mitigation and Collaboration

We convened a day-long workshop for Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) at Kartause Ittingen in Warth, Switzerland. The topic of the day was ...

Hospitals Must Safeguard Patient Data

Like the challenge of controlling U.S. healthcare costs, safeguarding patient information has proved elusive. Currently, the basic functionality of ma...

The Economics of Financial and Medical Identity Theft

Center director Eric Johnson and Indiana University computer scientist Jean Camp reveal the business models of identity thieves and examine potential ...

A Better Way to Battle Malware

Emulating the methods used to transform production quality could clean up the Internet and might even pay for itself. More ›

The Human Element

Forget technology. It’s people that are keeping information security professionals up at night, says professor Eric Johnson. We are connected. T...

Human Behavior and Security Culture – America

A workshop for information security executives convened to examine information security risks and challenges posed by human behavior. The workshop i...

Human Behavior and Security Culture – Europe

A workshop for European information security executives convened June 20–21, 2011 to examine information security risks and challenges posed by huma...

Mattel, Inc: The Lead Paint Recall

Supply chains face many risks, from material flow disruption and quality failures to information security. In some cases those risk come from supplier...

Information Security Risk and Privacy in Healthcare: Current State of Research

Information security and privacy in the healthcare sector is an issue of growing importance. The adoption of digital patient records, increased regu...

Monetary Pricing of Software Development Risks: A Method and Empirical Illustration

The ability to price (monetize) software development risks can benefit various aspects of software development decision-making. This paper presents a ...


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