Topic: Security

Digital Deep Dive: China

This past December, the Center for Digital Strategies and a small group of T’19s traveled to Shanghai and Hangzhou, China to explore digital strateg...

The Importance of Securing Cisco’s Global Value Chain

January 15, 2018 Edna Conway Chief Security Officer, Global Value Chain Cisco Systems Join the Tuck Center for Digital Strategies and the Thayer Schoo...

Challenges and Breakthroughs in Health IT Security – Scott Breece CISO, Community Health Systems

Scott Breece, VP and CISO of Community Health Systems, discusses the rising security threat in healthcare with M. Eric Johnson, Dean of Vanderbilt Uni...

IoT, Energy and Russia: An Overview of Global Cybersecurity Threats in the Digital Age

Adam Golodner Senior Counsel, Global Cybersecurity and Privacy Practice Group Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP Did you know that Russian hackers g...

Exec Fellow, Cory Mazzola, Quoted on Phishing Attacks During Natural Disasters

September 2018

Data, Decision-Making and AI

The technologies that underpin modern society (e.g. IoT and sensors, social media) continue to drive a massive increase in data of all shapes and size...

Eric Johnson Quoted on the CIO’s Role In Cyber

August 2018

Future of Encryption in the Quantum Computing Age with Vrashank Jain T’18

Should companies be reliant on encryption to protect data and worry about quantum computing breaking that encryption? That was the question asked by ...

Affiliated Faculty, Eric Johnson, Talks with Sherry Ryan at CISO Workshop

Sherry Ryan, Vice President & CISO of Juniper Networks, discusses emerging security challenges with M. Eric Johnson, Dean of Vanderbilt University...

CISO Workshop Overview – The MBA Student Perspective

Jenna Romeo T'19, Molly Tyler T'19, MBA Fellows

In March, the Center for Digital Strategies (CDS) at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and the Owen Graduate School of Management convened a wo...

Affiliated Faculty, Eric Johnson, Talks with Talvis Love at CISO Workshop

Talvis Love, Senior Vice Present and CISO of Cardinal Health, discusses emerging security challenges in healthcare with M. Eric Johnson, Dean of Vande...

Digital Transformation: A Secure Connected Healthcare Ecosystem

The Center for Digital Strategies (CDS) at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and the Owen Graduate School of Management convened a workshop foc...

Information Risk Management in the Digital Age

Information security dominated the headlines throughout 2017, with debate over the impact of hacking on the US presidential elections and major new da...

Key Strategies for Developing and Enhancing Enterprise Security Operations

Cory Mazzola, Executive Fellow

Workforce Development: Building the Team Attracting and retaining talent is imperative for building a capable and effective Security Operations Center...

Major General Loretta Reynolds Lunchtime Talk

Maj. Gen. Reynolds visited Tuck for the Women’s Symposium and spoke as a guest of the Center for Digital Strategies to a small group of students. Sh...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: February 15

Patrick Wheeler, Assistant Director

Malware Attacks Hits Olympic Games in South Korea This year’s Winter Olympic Games are a spectacle of technology. Earlier this week we reviewed the ...

The Ripple Effect on Cryptocurrency

Eric Van Miltenburg VP of Business Operations Ripple Today the world sends more than $155 trillion across borders. Yet, the underlying infrastructure ...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: January 31

Patrick Wheeler, Assistant Director

Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, JP Morgan Get Into Healthcare While it’s no surprise that Amazon is getting into the healthcare space – they’ve been...

Understanding and Monitoring the Darknet in a Data-Centric World

How do you know if you or your company have been hacked? Your information is for sale on the darknet. Do you know how to find your company’s comprom...

2018 Bold Digital Predictions from Our Students

Ross Dutille, Program Coordinator

As students return from break and we enter a new calendar year, it’s always fun to brainstorm and jot down your predictions of what may happen ...

Affiliated Faculty, Eric Johnson, Gives Tips on How to Protect Smart Toys from Hackers

December 2017

Roundtable Discussions – MBA Student Perspective: Rethinking Cyber/Information Security

Tim McDowell T'17, MBA Fellow Alumni

MBA Fellow alumni, Tim McDowell T’17, attended our Roundtable on Digital Strategies back in April 2018 (hosted by LafargeHolcim in Zurich, Switz...

Center Affiliated Faculty, Johnson, Speaks to the Financial Repercussions of the Equifax Hack

November 2017

Cyber/Information Security in the Digital Age

Threats to enterprise information security are escalating due to a number of factors: increased connectivity with outside vendors; the growing number ...


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