Topic: Talent & Workforce

People Analytics: Talent Management in the Age of Data

Digital technologies are disrupting every sector of the economy and redefining whole industries. The need for finding and retaining critical talent ha...

Alumni Advisor, Roger Lynch T’95, Talks About Expanding Pandora Presence in Atlanta

January 2018

Johnson, Affiliated Faculty Member, and Owen Grad School of Management Dean, Talks HQ2

January 2018

Roundtable Discussions – MBA Student Perspective: Rethinking Cyber/Information Security

Tim McDowell T'17, MBA Fellow Alumni

MBA Fellow alumni, Tim McDowell T’17, attended our Roundtable on Digital Strategies back in April 2018 (hosted by LafargeHolcim in Zurich, Switz...

Data: Superpower or Kryptonite?

Whitney Armstrong T’00 Sr. Director of Data and Analytics for Sales and Marketing  Upwork Join former Yahoo! And Indiegogo data guru, and curre...

The Changing Workplace, Talent Wars and the Millennial Perspective

Pervasive information-sharing and connectivity are transforming the structure of business, society and work, and with it the nature of the employer-em...

Digital Excellence: InnovatorsBox

Monica H. Kang, Founder and CEO, Innovators Box

Tuck School’s Center for Digital Strategies takes part in several Executive Education programs offered throughout the year, and in a number of locat...

12 Critical Requirements for Security Leadership

Cory Mazzola, Executive Director - Global Cybersecurity Operations, Las Vegas Sands Group

As the cyber security industry has witnessed an unprecedented onslaught of data breaches and headline risks in recent years, it has precipitated a fun...

Center Alumni Advisor, Roger Lynch T’95 appointed Pandora CEO

August 2017

People Analytics: Talent Management in the Age of Data

David Fineman T’82 Specialist Leader Deloitte Consulting Digital technologies are disrupting every sector of the economy and redefining whole in...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: 07.13.2017

Patrick Wheeler, Assistant Director

Daimler Deploys $110 Million Blockchain Trial – The German automaker Daimler AG has deployed a blockchain solution to manage a $110 Million bond wit...

Recommendations for Enterprises

Business model changes enabled by technology are causing disruption across all sectors of the global economy. Established businesses must recognize th...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: 06.21.2017

Patrick Wheeler, Assistant Director

Amazon Purchase of Whole Foods Is Great for Amazon – The acquisition of Whole Foods by Amazon is seen as a huge win for the ecommerce giant. They ge...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: 05.19.2017

Patrick Wheeler, Assistant Director

WannaCry Ransomware Attack Still Going Strong – The worldwide scourge of the WannaCry ransomware attack is not done yet. As workers returned to the...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: 05.11.2017

Patrick Wheeler, Assistant Director

SoFi Moves to Expand Its Services Via the ILC – The peer-to-peer refinancer of student loans announced its intention to seek an industrial loan comp...

Digital Revolution Overview
The Digital (R)Evolution: Transforming Business Models

The 2015-16 Britt Technology Impact Series (BTIS) explored the challenges and opportunities driven by digital technologies in a series focused on the ...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: 05.03.2017

Patrick Wheeler, Assistant Director

AI and Automation Are Coming for White Collar Workers, Too – The traditional focus on technology eating jobs has been one of blue collar workers lo...

Own Your Personal Brand

John Chandler T'86, Alumni Advisor & Executive Fellow

Keep Perspective When Your Career is in Transition, and be a Champion for Others In the fall of 2015, I found myself navigating a long winding descent...

The End of Focus: A New Wave of Manufacturers Will Choose Scope Over Scale

MIT Sloan Review | March 29, 2017

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: 03.23.2017

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Facebook Moving Past Infrastructure Gatekeepers – It’s no secret that Facebook and other tech companies focused on content are limited by ISPs and...

Alumni Profile: Cassie Lancellotti-Young, T’11 & EVP of Customer Success, Sailthru

Tuck News / February 2017

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: 03.08.2017

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

FCC’s Privacy Rules in Jeopardy – Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona introduced a bill this week that would permanently overturn the FCC’s privacy rules...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: 02.23.2017

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

United States Falling Behind on Wireless Infrastructure – The annual OpenSignal Global State of the Mobile Network report was released this week and...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: 02.17.2017

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Traditional Media Outlets Enjoying Period of Strong Growth Thanks to Digital – The NY Times and other so-called “old media” companies are experi...


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