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CDS focuses on enabling business strategy and innovation. Digital strategies and information technologies that harness an organization’s unique competencies can push business strategy to a new level. CDS contributes to this by bringing thought leadership and knowledge to the table in the following areas: Enterprise Transformation, Technology & Innovation, Digital Business Models, Trust, Security & Privacy, and Digital Society.

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Brand Marketing for Mobile Games

The mobile gaming industry generated an estimated $77.2B of revenue in 2020, and is estimated to surpass the $100B mark by 2023. Interest in mobile g...

11 Predictions for the Future of B2B Product Marketing

The world of B2B product marketing continues to accelerate at a breakneck pace. It can be hard to keep up with everything. All of this change caused C...

Digital Therapeutics: The Future of Digital Health Tools and Virtual Care

Digital therapeutics (DTx) are an increasingly attractive field from a patient, provider, and investor perspective. Utilization of virtual care and di...

The Digital Innovation Lab: Key Decisions and Best Practices for Success

When does it make sense to create an innovation lab within an organization? And is it better to create the lab in or near the corporate headquarters o...

Driving Innovation: Strategies for the Autonomous Vehicle Sector

The autonomous vehicle industry is marching, slowly but inexorably, towards a world in which cars may no longer need humans behind the steering wheel....

Deepfakes: Detection and Prevention in the Era of “Fake News”

What are deepfakes? What can companies and their leadership teams do to prepare themselves for a future where deepfake technology is so accessible and...

Playbook: Go-to-Market Strategies for Mobile Gaming Studios

The mobile game industry is currently worth $68.5B, and many of the largest gaming companies are investing heavily in the space. Many of these larger ...

Chatbots in Enterprise System Management

Chatbots in Enterprise System Management CDS MBA Fellow, Mike Hanley T’19, provides an overview of chatbot technology and explains how they can be u...


Self-driving Cars and the Future of the Auto Sector

Britt Technology Impact Series Video

Tuck alumnus, Stern NYU Professor, and Automotive Industry Director for Google, Kyle Keogh T'99, discusses the future of the auto sector and the impact emerging technologies and self-driving cars are likely to have on the way we physically move around our world.

Watch the Video
A Toolkit for Legacy Retailers to Optimize Their Digital Shopper Engagement

Stephanie Yera T’18, MBA Fellow with the CDS, conducted research designed to help legacy retailers understand the threat from e-commerce players...

Autonomous Vehicle and its Value Creation to User Experience

Robin Hwang T’18, MBA Fellow with the CDS, conducted research evaluating adoption of autonomous vehicles and what user experiences are likely to...

Deep Shift: Fundamental Changes in Enterprise Technology

The Roundtable on Digital Strategies first discussed the impact of technology mega-trends in 2011, as mobile computing, social media, big data and the...

The Changing Workplace, Talent Wars and the Millennial Perspective

Pervasive information-sharing and connectivity are transforming the structure of business, society and work, and with it the nature of the employer-em...

Cyber/Information Security in the Digital Age

Threats to enterprise information security are escalating due to a number of factors: increased connectivity with outside vendors; the growing number ...

Recommendations for Enterprises

Business model changes enabled by technology are causing disruption across all sectors of the global economy. Established businesses must recognize th...

Transforming Into a Software Company

Thinking like a software company can help traditional businesses adapt to the change caused by digital disruption and transform into a leading digital...

The Digital Enterprise and Changing Business Models

Digital technologies have penetrated every aspect of consumer life and modern business. The number of connected devices and sensors continues on its e...

Digital Revolution Overview
The Digital (R)Evolution: Transforming Business Models

The 2015-16 Britt Technology Impact Series (BTIS) explored the challenges and opportunities driven by digital technologies in a series focused on the ...

10 Organizational Cybersecurity Imperatives

by Hans Brechbühl In recent years, the Center for Digital Strategies has been fortunate to observe and interact with the efforts of a number of large...

Welcome to the Age of Better Data

By Jeff Moag   For years now, the popular press has been heralding the coming age of data supremacy in retail. The reports are often framed in Orwel...

Global Supply Chain Management: Digital Supply Chains and Logistics

Modern supply chains have to account for the interdependence of global markets, the volatility of world events, and the pervasive connectivity of peop...


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