Britt Technology Impact Series

Connected Everywhere: The Transformation to a Hyperweb World

Over the past six years, the Center for Digital Strategies examined six major technology trends and how they impact individuals, businesses, and industries. Video, Mobile, Social, Cloud, Big Data and the Internet of Things have all proven to play a significant role in shaping the way we all see and interact with the world through digital technology. We now face a perfect storm where these technologies are coming together to change the world in previously unimaginable ways. Making this coming together possible is the concept of a Hyperweb that focuses not on singular technology, but on the linking between all of their technologies. This technological convergence is made possible by APIs, HTML5, and other developments and has given rise to new industries, made some companies into winners (often at the expense of others), and opened up new frontiers. The 2014-15 Britt Technology Impact Series examined the transformational impact of the growing hyperweb and the fusion of technology into every interaction in our corporate and social worlds.

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Always-on: How Hyperconnectivity Disrupts Business

October 24, 2014 • Tuck School of Business

James L. McQuivey, Ph.D., Vice President, Principal Analyst Serving CMO Professionals,  Forrester,  visited Tuck to discuss how the state of being c...

The New Face of Personalization: Capitalizing on the Connected Consumer

November 3, 2014 • Tuck School of Business

Cassie Lancellotti-Young T’11, EVP at Sailthru, visited Tuck to discuss her experience with the hyperconnected marketplace....

The $haring Economy: Peering into the New Business Model

February 17, 2015 Tech@Tuck • Tuck School of Business

Tech@Tuck examined the impact the Sharing Economy has on individuals, industries, and value chains with executives from Lending Club and Zipcar....

Global Regulation of Data in a Post-Snowden World

February 18, 2015 • Tuck School of Business

Offered in partnership with the Center for Global Business and Government, Julie Brill, the Commissioner of the FTC, visited Tuck to discuss protecti...

Delivering the Digital Infrastructure: Complex Connections in the Hyperweb World

April 16, 2015 • Tuck School of Business

What investments will need to be made to ensure adequate infrastructure to meet the needs of business and what role should the government play in buil...

Multi-Screen Consumption: Data-Driven Content Delivery and Ad Spending

April 21, 2015 • Tuck School of Business

Rentrak COO and CFO, David Chemerow T’75, discussed the challenges and opportunities for content producers, distributors, and advertisers opera...

Cyber Warfare: Securing the Future of Industry

April 27, 2015 • Tuck School of Business

Schneider Electric Senior Director of Cybersecurity and Network Infrastructure, David Doggett, discussed the security challenges created by hypercon...

Life in the DigiScene: Hyperconnectivity’s effect on Humans, Culture and Industry

May 5, 2015 • Tuck School of Business

Dr. Tony Salvador, Director of Experience Insights Research, Interaction & Experience Research Lab, Intel Corporation discussed the decisions we ...

Connected Everywhere: The Transformation to a Hyperweb World Overview

November 30, 2015

The 2014–15 Britt Technology Impact Series examined the transformational impact of the growing hyperweb and the fusion of technology into every int...


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