Topic: Robotics

Human-Sounding Generative Chatbots: Strategic and Ethical Trade-offs

Delve into the nuanced world of generative chatbots with T’24 MBA Fellow Claire Gaffney’s comprehensive presentation, “Human-Soundin...

Automation, Robotics, and AI

Recorded at the 2023 Dartmouth AI Conference, hosted by the Tuck School of Business. Panelists: Ani Kelkar, Associate Partner, McKinsey & Company ...

A Decade of Disruption: The Future of Mobility

With advances in technology, shifting consumer preferences, and increasing pressure to address environmental concerns, the stage is set for this new e...

The Future of the Automotive and Mobility Sector with Kyle Keogh T’99

February 9th, 2023 The automotive sector is quickly evolving, but what will it look like in the future? The Center for Digital Strategies welcomed Kyl...

Driving Innovation: Strategies for the Autonomous Vehicle Sector

The autonomous vehicle industry is marching, slowly but inexorably, towards a world in which cars may no longer need humans behind the steering wheel....

Driving Innovation: Strategies for the Autonomous Vehicle Sector

While autonomous vehicles may still be in their infancy, it is nevertheless an industry rife with competition. With so many deep-pocked players, what ...

Transforming the Grocery Store Experience with Technology featuring Laura Scott of Takeoff Technologies

What does the future of grocery look like? What does “micro-fulfillment” mean and how does it apply to grocery stores (and beyond)? If we&...

Transforming the Retail Grocery Experience with Technology

Takeoff Technologies helps grocery chains transform the retail grocery experience for stores and consumers alike. In our current environment of social...

On the Ground in China: Witnessing Digital Transformation at a Global Scale

Patrick Wheeler, Joe McDonald

In the last decade, it has become increasingly clear that the Bay Area has new competition for tech dominance. We’re not talking about Seattle, New ...

Edge Computing: How Leaders Should Evaluate Investment

As the focus on cloud computing continues to grow, it’s important to understand that for certain use-cases, cloud infrastructure is not ideal. ...

5G Use Cases: Hype vs. Reality

Presentation by CDS MBA Fellow, Nikilesh Eswarapu T’19, provides an overview of hyped 5G use cases and evaluates each for feasibility to help you av...

Unleashing the Power of Chatbots in the Enterprise

Presentation by CDS MBA Fellow, Mike Hanley T’19, provides an overview of chatbot technology and explains how they can be used by SaaS companies...

Student Discussion of Center Digital Deep Dive Trip to China

The Center for Digital Strategies traveled to Shanghai and Hangzhou, China in December of 2018 to immerse students in the Chinese tech scene and learn...

Digital Deep Dive: Center for Digital Strategies Visits China

Alison Dieringer, Yinong Ding, Alex Pandrangi, Patrick Wheeler

In our first meeting as second year CDS MBA Fellows this past fall, we crowdsourced a list of “must know” technology companies: Ping An, an insura...

Navigating Between Disruption and Hype

Emerging technologies can reinvent the nature of work, create powerful new business models, and change companies’ relationships with customers. But ...

Navigating Between Disruption and Hype

J. P. Gownder VP and Principal Analyst Forrester Research Emerging technologies can reinvent the nature of work, create powerful new business models, ...

Autonomous Vehicle and its Value Creation to User Experience with Robin Hwang T’18

The promise of autonomous vehicles is immense and the race to build the dominant platform is in full swing in Silicon Vally and around the globe. Howe...

How to Teach Robots | You Should Listen To This

Oliver Engelhart D'18, Marketing and Research Intern

The future of robotics and AI is being created today by companies and innovators that are developing new technologies and implementing them across var...

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: February 15

Patrick Wheeler, Assistant Director

Malware Attacks Hits Olympic Games in South Korea This year’s Winter Olympic Games are a spectacle of technology. Earlier this week we reviewed the ...

Olympics in South Korea Showcase Practical Uses for Emerging Technologies

Patrick Wheeler, Assistant Director

The Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea is a celebration of technology and the importance of technology and innovation to the success of South...

Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Last-Mile Delivery with Shashank Munjal T’17

Watch MBA Fellow Alum, Shashank Munjal T’17, present his research on the challenges of autonomous vehicles on last-mile delivery, including regu...

Center Co-Founder, Roger McNamee T’82 Cautions the World about Robots

August 2017

Tech Bytes
Tech Bytes: 02.03.2017

Patrick Wheeler, Program Manager

Facebook Aims to Become Video Powerhouse and Compete Head-to-Head with YouTube – Coming off a monster quarter buoyed by the Presidential election an...

The Past, Present and Future of AI in Marketing

Don Castle, Executive Fellow

This month, I came across an article in the January 2017 issue of Marketing News magazine, The Past, Present and Future of AI in Marketing. This is a ...


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